function [Sest] = Fast_ICA(XobsC)
%% Preprocessing Centering
SX = size(Xobs);
N = SX(1);
M = SX(2);
X = Xobs‘; %X is the transpose of the matrix of M samples of N mixtures used in subsequent calculations
Xmean = mean(X); %Xmean is the mean vector of the matrix X
for i = 1:N
X(:i) = X(:i) - Xmean(i); %The matrix X is centered by subtracting each of the N mixtures by their corresponding sample averages
%% Preprocessing Whitening
ExxT = cov(X); %The covariance matrix of X is computed and stored in ExxT
[ED] = eig(ExxT); %Eigenvalue decomposition is applied on the covariance matrix of X ExxT
Z = E*1/sqrt(D)*E‘*X‘; %The matrix X is whitened to Z
%% FastICA algorithm
W = 0.5*ones(CN); %Initializing W a matrix consisting of columns corresponding with the inverse of the (transformed) mixing Amix
iterations = 100; %The amount of iterations used in the fastICA algorithm
for p = 1:C
wp = ones(N1)*0.5;
wp = wp / sqrt(wp‘*wp);
for i = 1:iterations
G = tanh(wp‘*Z);
Gder = 1-tanh(wp‘*Z).^2;
wp = 1/M*Z*G‘ - 1/M*Gder*ones(M1)*wp;
dumsum = zeros(C1);
for j = 1:p-1
dumsum = dumsum + wp‘*W(:j)*W(:j);
wp = wp - dumsum;
wp = wp / sqrt(wp‘*wp);
W(:p) = wp;
%% Output Results
W = W/sqrt(2); %The factor sqrt(2) is an emirical constant added to make the predictions fit the data properly. The source of the factor has yet to be determined.
Sest = W‘*Z;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 1834 2020-04-02 15:40 SSA-ICA\A01_Fast_ICA.m
文件 188 2020-04-02 15:40 SSA-ICA\A02_diag_average.m
文件 52427 2020-04-02 16:28 SSA-ICA\figures\1.gif
文件 220336 2020-04-02 16:35 SSA-ICA\figures\1.jpg
文件 113397 2020-04-02 16:35 SSA-ICA\figures\2.jpg
文件 180597 2020-04-02 16:34 SSA-ICA\figures\3.jpg
文件 2555 2020-04-09 22:00 SSA-ICA\main_SSA_ICA.m
文件 1673 2020-04-03 17:08 SSA-ICA\README.md
文件 739 2020-04-03 16:40 SSA-ICA\SSA_ICA.m
目录 0 2020-04-09 21:56 SSA-ICA\figures
目录 0 2020-04-09 21:56 SSA-ICA
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573746 11
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