%3DINVER.M: A MATLAB program to invert the gravity anomaly over a 3-D horizontal density interface by Parker-Oldenburg‘s algorithm
%David Gomez Ortiz and Bhrigu N P Agarwal
%Iterative process of Oldenburg(1974)
%using the Parker‘s (1973) equation
%Given a gravity map as input (bouin)in mGal
%as well as density contrast (contrast) in gr/cm3
%and the mean source depth (z0) in Km
%the program computes the topography of the interface (topoout) in Km
%density contrast is positive (e. g. mantle-crust)
%mean depth reference is positive downwards(z0)
%It is also necessary to include map length in Km (longx and longy)
%considering a square area the number of rows or columns (numrows and numcolumns)
%and the convergence criterion (criterio) in Km
%The maximum number of iterations is 10
%The program computes also the gravity map (bouinv) due to the computed relief(forward modelling)
%The cut-off frequencies (SH and WH) for the filter in order to achieve
%convergence have to be also previously defined (as 1/wavelength in Km)
bouin=‘c:\gravityinput.dat‘; %path and name of the input gravity file e.g. c:\gravityinput.dat
topoout=‘c:\topooutput.dat‘; %path and name of the output topography file e.g. c:\topooutput.dat
bouinverted=‘c:\bouinv.dat‘; %path and name of the output gravity file e.g. c:\bouinv.dat
numrows=102; %e. g. 112 data in Y direction
numcolumns=102; % e. g. 112 data in X direction
longx=1212; %e.g. 666 Km data length in X direction
longy=1212; %e.g. 666 Km data length in Y direction
contrast=0.4; %density contrast value in g/cm3 e. g. 0.4
criterio=0.02; %convergence criterion in Km e. g. 0.02
z0=30; %mean reference depth in Km e. g. 30 Km
WH=0.002; %smaller cut-off frequency (1/wavelength in Km) e. g. 0.01 i.e. 1/100 Km
SH=0.0022; %greater cut-off frequency (1/wavelength in Km) e. g. 0.012 i.e. 1/83.3 Km
truncation=0.1 %truncation window data length in % per one i.e 10%
bou=fscanf(fid‘%f‘[numcolumns numrows]); %open the input gravity file read it and stores it in variable ‘bou‘
% Calculate mean value of the gravity map
fftbou=fft2(bou); %fft2 computes the 2-D FFT of a 2-D matrix (bou in this case)
meangravity=(fftbou(11)/(numrows*numcolumns)); %the first term of the 2-D fft array divided by the product of the number of rows and columns provides the mean gravity value of the map
% Demean data
disp(‘Data sets demeaned‘) %displays the text ‘Data sets demeaned‘ on the screen
bou=bou-meangravity; %input gravity map is demeaned
%A cosine Tukey window with a truncation of 10% default is applied
wrows = tukeywin(numrowstruncation); %this computes a 1-D cosine Tukey window of the same length as the original matrix input rows and with the truncation defined by the variable ‘truncation‘
wcolumns = tukeywin(numcolumns
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