
function varargout = WFG1(OperationGlobalinput)
% A Review of Multi-objective Test Problems and a Scalable Test Problem
% Toolkit
% K --- --- The position parameter which should be a multiple of M-1
% operator --- EAreal
% Copyright (c) 2016-2017 BIMK Group
% You are free to use the PlatEMO for research purposes. All publications
% which use this platform or any code in the platform should acknowledge
% the use of “PlatEMO“ and reference “Ye Tian Ran Cheng Xingyi Zhang and
% Yaochu Jin PlatEMO: A MATLAB Platform for Evolutionary Multi-objective
% Optimization IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 2017 in press“.
K = Global.ParameterSet(Global.M-1);
switch Operation
case ‘init‘
Global.M = 3;
Global.D = Global.M + 9;
Global.lower = zeros(1Global.D);
Global.upper = 2 : 2 : 2*Global.D;
Global.operator = @EAreal;
PopDec = rand(inputGlobal.D).*repmat(2:2:2*Global.Dinput1);
varargout = {PopDec};
case ‘value‘
PopDec = input;
[ND] = size(PopDec);
M = Global.M;
L = D - K;
D = 1;
S = 2 : 2 : 2*M;
A = ones(1M-1);
z01 = PopDec./repmat(2:2:size(PopDec2)*2N1);
t1 = zeros(NK+L);
t1(:1:K) = z01(:1:K);
t1(:K+1:end) = s_linear(z01(:K+1:end)0.35);
t2 = zeros(NK+L);
t2(:1:K) = t1(:1:K);
t2(:K+1:end) = b_flat(t1(:K+1:end)0.80.750.85);
t3 = zeros(NK+L);
t3 = b_poly(t20.02);
t4 = zeros(NM);
for i = 1 : M-1
t4(:i) = r_sum(t3(:(i-1)*K/(M-1)+1:i*K/(M-1))2*((i-1)*K/(M-1)+1):2:2*i*K/(M-1));
t4(:M) = r_sum(t3(:K+1:K+L)2*(K+1):2:2*(K+L));
x = zeros(NM);
for i = 1 : M-1
x(:i) = max(t4(:M)A(i)).*(t4(:i)-0.5)+0.5;
x(:M) = t4(:M);
h = convex(x);
h(:M) = mixed(x);
PopObj = repmat(D*x(:M)1M) + repmat(SN1).*h;
PopCon = [];
varargout = {inputPopObjPopCon};
case ‘PF‘
M = Global.M;
h = UniformPoint(inputM);
for i = 1 : size(h1)
c = ones(1M);
k = find(h(i:)~=01);
for j = k+1 : M
temp = h(ij)/h(ik)*prod(1-c(M-j+2:M-k));
c(M-j+1) = (temp^2-temp+sqrt(2*temp))/(temp^2+1);
for j = 1 : M
h(ij) = prod(1-
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3935 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG1.m
文件 4199 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG2.m
文件 3646 2017-08-10 17:09 WFG\WFG3.m
文件 2824 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG4.m
文件 2876 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG5.m
文件 3442 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG6.m
文件 3441 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG7.m
文件 3423 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG8.m
文件 4391 2017-08-08 10:23 WFG\WFG9.m
目录 0 2017-09-05 16:32 WFG
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