function [pellipse]=phantom3d(varargin)
%PHANTOM3D Three-dimensional analogue of MATLAB Shepp-Logan phantom
% P = PHANTOM3D(DEFN) generates a 3D head phantom that can
% be used to test 3-D reconstruction algorithms.
% DEF is a string that specifies the type of head phantom to generate.
% Valid values are:
% ‘Shepp-Logan‘ A test image used widely by researchers in
% tomography
% ‘Modified Shepp-Logan‘ (default) A variant of the Shepp-Logan phantom
% in which the contrast is improved for better
% visual perception.
% N is a scalar that specifies the grid size of P.
% If you omit the argument N defaults to 64.
% P = PHANTOM3D(EN) generates a user-defined phantom where each row
% of the matrix E specifies an ellipsoid in the image. E has ten columns
% with each column containing a different parameter for the ellipsoids:
% Column 1: A the additive intensity value of the ellipsoid
% Column 2: a the length of the x semi-axis of the ellipsoid
% Column 3: b the length of the y semi-axis of the ellipsoid
% Column 4: c the length of the z semi-axis of the ellipsoid
% Column 5: x0 the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid
% Column 6: y0 the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid
% Column 7: z0 the z-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid
% Column 8: phi phi Euler angle (in degrees) (rotation about z-axis)
% Column 9: theta theta Euler angle (in degrees) (rotation about x-axis)
% Column 10: psi psi Euler angle (in degrees) (rotation about z-axis)
% For purposes of generating the phantom the domains for the x- y- and
% z-axes span [-11]. Columns 2 through 7 must be specified in terms
% of this range.
% [PE] = PHANTOM3D(...) returns the matrix E used to generate the phantom.
% Class Support
% -------------
% All inputs must be of class double. All outputs are of class double.
% Remarks
% -------
% For any given voxel in the output image the voxel‘s value is equal to the
% sum of the additive intensity values of all ellipsoids that the voxel is a
% part of. If a voxel is not part of any ellipsoid its value is 0.
% The additive intensity value A for an ellipsoid can be positive or negative;
% if it is negative the ellipsoid will be darker than the surrounding pixels.
% Note that depending on the values of A some voxels may have values outside
% the range [01].
% Example
% -------
% ph = phantom3d(128);
% figure imshow(squeeze(ph(64::)))
% Copyright 2005 Matthias Christian Schabel (matthias @ stanfordalumni . org)
% University of Utah Department of Radiology
% Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research
% 729 Arapeen Drive
% Salt Lake City
- 上一篇:基于Matlab的smith圆图程序
- 下一篇:激光典型腔的matlab计算
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