function kappa(varargin)
% KAPPA: This function computes the Cohen‘s kappa coefficient.
% Cohen‘s kappa coefficient is a statistical measure of inter-rater
% reliability. It is generally thought to be a more robust measure than
% simple percent agreement calculation since k takes into account the
% agreement occurring by chance.
% Kappa provides a measure of the degree to which two judges A and B
% concur in their respective sortings of N items into k mutually exclusive
% categories. A ‘judge‘ in this context can be an individual human being a
% set of individuals who sort the N items collectively or some non-human
% agency such as a computer program or diagnostic test that performs a
% sorting on the basis of specified criteria.
% The original and simplest version of kappa is the unweighted kappa
% coefficient introduced by J. Cohen in 1960. When the categories are
% merely nominal Cohen‘s simple unweighted coefficient is the only form of
% kappa that can meaningfully be used. If the categories are ordinal and if
% it is the case that category 2 represents more of something than category
% 1 that category 3 represents more of that same something than category
% 2 and so on then it is potentially meaningful to take this into
% account weighting each cell of the matrix in accordance with how near it
% is to the cell in that row that includes the absolutely concordant items.
% This function can compute a linear weights or a quadratic weights.
% Syntax: kappa(XWALPHA)
% Inputs:
% X - square data matrix
% W - Weight (0 = unweighted; 1 = linear weighted; 2 = quadratic
% weighted; -1 = display all. Default=0)
% ALPHA - default=0.05.
% Outputs:
% - Observed agreement percentage
% - Random agreement percentage
% - Agreement percentage due to true concordance
% - Residual not random agreement percentage
% - Cohen‘s kappa
% - kappa error
% - kappa confidence interval
% - Maximum possible kappa
% - k observed as proportion of maximum possible
% - k benchmarks by Landis and Koch
% - z test results
% Example:
% x=[88 14 18; 10 40 10; 2 6 12];
% Calling on Matlab the function: kappa(x)
% Answer is:
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Observed agreement (po) = 0.7000
% Random agreement (pe) = 0.4100
% Agreement due to true concordance (po-pe) = 0.2900
% Residual not random agreement (1-pe) = 0.5900
% Cohen‘s kappa = 0.4915
% kappa error = 0.0549
% kappa C.I. (alpha = 0.0500) = 0.3839 0.5992
% Maximum possible kappa given the observed marginal frequencies = 0.8305
% k observed as proportion of maximum possible = 0.5918
% Moderate agreement
% Variance = 0.0031 z (k/sqrt(var)) = 8.8347 p
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----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 7393 2009-05-20 12:38 kappa.m
文件 1338 2009-12-23 14:24 license.txt
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