function [y_final f_final ckIter] = mckd(xfilterSizetermIterTMplotMode)
% code and method by Geoff McDonald (glmcdona@gmail.com) May 2011
% This code file is an external reference for a paper being submitted
% for review.
% mckd(xfilterSizetermIterplotModeTM)
% Description:
% This method tries to deconvolve a periodic series of impulses from
% a 1d vector. It does this by designing a FIR filter to maximize
% a norm criterion called Correlated Kurtosis. This method is has
% applications in fault detection of rotating machinery (such as
% ball bearing and gear faults). 该方法可以将一系列1维冲击周期信号解卷积。
% Algorithm Reference:
% (Paper link coming soon. If you are interested in this please
% contact me at glmcdona@gmail.com. I will add the link if/when the
% paper is available online)
% Inputs:
% x:
% Signal to perform deconvolution on. This should be a 1d vector.
% MCKD will be performed on this vector by designing a FIR
% filter. 一维信号
% filterSize:
% This is the length of the finite impulse filter filter to
% design. Using a value of around 100 is appropriate depending on
% the data. Investigate the performance difference using
% different values.
% 这是要设计的有限脉冲滤波器滤波器的长度.取决于数据,使用大约100左右的值是合适的。使用不同的值来检查性能的差异。
% termIter: (OPTIONAL)
% This is the termination number of iterations.这是迭代终止数。 If the
% the number of iterations exceeds this number the MCKD process
% will complete. Specify [] to use default value of 30. 如果迭代次数超过这个数字,MCKD过程将完成。 指定[]使用默认值30。
% T:
% This is the period for the deconvolution. 反褶积周期。The algorithm will
% try to deconvolve periodic impulses separated by this period.
% This period should be specified in number of samples and can be
% fractional (such as 106.29). In the case of a fractional T the
% method will resample the data to the nearest larger integer T:
% i.e. 106.29 -> 107 and the y_final output will still be at this resampled factor.
% 该算法将尝试通过此周期用反褶积方法将周期性脉冲分离。 这个周期T应该以样本数量来指定,可以是小数(如106.29)。 在小数T的情况下,该方法将数据重新采样到最接近的较大整数T:即106.29→107并且y_final输出仍将处于这个重采样因子。
% M:
% This is the shift order of the deconvolution algorithm. 这是解卷积算法的偏移顺序。
% Typically an integer value between 1 and 5 is good. 通常,1到5之间的整数值是好的。
% Increasing the number increases the number of periodic impulses it tries
% to find in a row.增加数量会增加它尝试连续查找的周期性脉冲的数量。
% For example M = 5 would try to extract at least 5 impulses in a
% row. 例如选择M=5则会在每行中尝试提取至少5个连续冲击。
% When you use a larger M you need a better estimate of T. 当你使用更大的M时,你需要更好的估计T.
% Using
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