function ballbeam(action)
% BALLBEAM demonsrates Proportional-Derivative (PD) control as applied to a
% ball and beam demonstration experiment. Execute by calling with no arguments.
% P and PD controllers are implemented which manipulates the beam angle in
% response to the position of the ball on the beam. The setpoint is indicated
% by the red marker and is adjusted using the slider at the bottom of the figure.
% The control gain Kc and the Derivative Time constant Td are adjusted by
% a sliders located in the right hand control panel.
% This demo has been tested on Matlab 5.3 and Matlab 6.0. Some of the user
% interface code was shamelessly ripped out of the standard Matlab demos.
% Jeff Kantor
% Version 1.0
% March 24 2001
if nargin < 1
action = ‘initialize‘;
persistent ballradius beamlength beamwidth
persistent xmin xmax umin umax g dt
persistent t x v u done
persistent Kc Td N xsp xlast dterm Ad Bd
persistent ballHndl xball yball
persistent beamHndl xbeam ybeam
persistent markerHndl xmarker ymarker
persistent setpointHndl
persistent runHndl resetHndl stopHndl closeHndl infoHndl
persistent gainHndl gaintxtHndl gainlblHndl
persistent dervHndl dervtxtHndl dervlblHndl
persistent manualHndl modeHndl mode
persistent bbAxes plotAxes plotHndl legHndl tdata xdata xspdata
switch lower(action)
case {‘initialize‘}
% Basic dimensions.
ballradius = 1;
beamlength = 20;
beamwidth = 0.3;
% System parameters
xmin = 0; % Left limit
xmax = beamlength; % Right limit
umin = -0.25; % Minimum beam angle
umax = 0.25; % Maximum beam angle
g = 0.05; % Gravitational Constant
dt = 0.2; % Time Step
% Set initial conditions for ball and beam position
t = 0; % Initial time
x = beamlength/2; % Initial Ball position
v = 0; % Initial Velocity
u = 0; % Initial beam angle
done = 0; % Done Flag
% Setup controller with initial parameters
mode = 1; % Flag start in manual mode
% Mode == 1 => Manual
% Mode == 2 => Proportional
% Mode == 3 => PD
Kc = 0.1; % Proportional Gain
Td = 20; % Derivative time constant
N = 10; % Maximum derivative gain
xsp = x; % Initial setpoint
xlast = x; % Last measured value
dterm = 0; % Derivative term
Ad = Td/(Td+N*dt); % Derivative filter constant
Bd = Kc*Td*N/(Td+N*dt); % Derivative gain
% Create figure
figNumber = figure( ...
‘Name‘‘Ball & Beam Demo‘ ...
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