function x = ifdct_wrapping(C is_real M N)
% ifdct_wrapping.m - Inverse Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform via wedge wrapping - Version 1.0
% This is in fact the adjoint also the pseudo-inverse
% Inputs
% C Cell array containing curvelet coefficients (see
% description in fdct_wrapping.m)
% is_real As used in fdct_wrapping.m
% M N Size of the image to be recovered (not necessary if finest
% = 2)
% Outputs
% x M-by-N matrix
% See also fdct_wrapping.m
% By Laurent Demanet 2004
% Initialization
nbscales = length(C);
nbangles_coarse = length(C{2});
nbangles = [1 nbangles_coarse .* 2.^(ceil((nbscales-(nbscales:-1:2))/2))];
if length(C{end}) == 1 finest = 2; else finest = 1; end;
if finest == 2 nbangles(nbscales) = 1; end;
if nargin < 2 is_real = 0; end;
if nargin < 4
if finest == 1 error(‘Syntax: IFCT_wrapping(CMN) where the matrix to be recovered is M-by-N‘); end;
[N1N2] = size(C{end}{1});
N1 = M;
N2 = N;
M1 = N1/3;
M2 = N2/3;
if finest == 1;
bigN1 = 2*floor(2*M1)+1;
bigN2 = 2*floor(2*M2)+1;
X = zeros(bigN1bigN2);
% Initialization: preparing the lowpass filter at finest scale
window_length_1 = floor(2*M1) - floor(M1) - 1 - (mod(N13)==0);
window_length_2 = floor(2*M2) - floor(M2) - 1 - (mod(N23)==0);
coord_1 = 0:(1/window_length_1):1;
coord_2 = 0:(1/window_length_2):1;
[wl_1wr_1] = fdct_wrapping_window(coord_1);
[wl_2wr_2] = fdct_wrapping_window(coord_2);
lowpass_1 = [wl_1 ones(12*floor(M1)+1) wr_1];
if mod(N13)==0 lowpass_1 = [0 lowpass_1 0]; end;
lowpass_2 = [wl_2 ones(12*floor(M2)+1) wr_2];
if mod(N23)==0 lowpass_2 = [0 lowpass_2 0]; end;
lowpass = lowpass_1‘*lowpass_2;
scales = nbscales:-1:2;
M1 = M1/2;
M2 = M2/2;
bigN1 = 2*floor(2*M1)+1;
bigN2 = 2*floor(2*M2)+1;
X = zeros(bigN1bigN2);
window_length_1 = floor(2*M1) - floor(M1) - 1;
window_length_2 = floor(2*M2) - floor(M2) - 1;
coord_1 = 0:(1/window_length_1):1;
coord_2 = 0:(1/window_length_2):1;
[wl_1wr_1] = fdct_wrapping_window(coord_1);
[wl_2wr_2] = fdct_wrapping_window(coord_2);
lowpass_1 = [wl_1 ones(12*floor(M1)+1) wr_1];
lowpass_2 = [wl_2 ones(12*floor(M2)+1) wr_2];
lowpass = lowpass_1‘*lowpass_2;
hipass_finest = sqrt(1 - lowpass.^2);
scales = (nbscales-1):-1:2;
% Loop: pyramidal reconstruction
Xj_topleft_1 = 1;
Xj_topleft_2 = 1;
for j = scales
M1 = M1/2;
M2 = M2/2;
window_length_1 = floor(2*M1) - floor(M1) - 1;
window_length_2 = floor(2*M2) - floor(M2) - 1;
coord_1 = 0:(1/window_length_1):1;
coord_2 = 0:(1/window_length_2):1;
[wl_1wr_1] = fdct_wrapping_window(coord_1);
[wl_2wr_2] = fdct_wrapping_window(coord_2);
lowpass_1 = [wl_1 ones(12*floor(M1)+1) wr_1];
lowpass_2 = [wl_2 ones(12*floor(M2)+1) wr_2];
lowpass_next = lowpass
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