系统辨识与自适应控制的matlab仿真 庞中华 崔红等主编 北京航空航天大学出版社出版
clear all; close all;
L=500; %仿真长度
d=[1 -1.5 0.7 0.1]; c=[1 0.5 0.2]; %D、C多项式的系数(可用roots命令求其根)
nd=length(d)-1; nc=length(c)-1; %nd、nc为D、C的阶次
xik=zeros(nc1); %白噪声初值,相当于ξ(k-1)...ξ(k-nc)
ek=zeros(nd1); %有色噪声初值
xi=randn(L1); %randn产生均值为0,方差为1的高斯随机序列(白噪声序列)
for k=1:L
e(k)=-d(2:nd+1)*ek+c*[xi(k);xik]; %产生有色噪声
for i=nd:-1:2
for i=nc:-1:2
xlabel(‘k‘); ylabel(‘噪声幅值‘); title(‘白噪声序列‘);
xlabel(‘k‘); ylabel(‘噪声幅值‘); title(‘有色噪声序列‘);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 763 2009-07-03 20:55 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_01_WhiteNoise_series.m
文件 592 2009-07-03 20:56 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_02_Inv_M_series.m
文件 970 2009-05-03 10:48 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_03_Noise_Singal_ratio_SISO.m
文件 1255 2009-05-03 10:54 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_04_Noise_Singal_ratio_MIMO.m
文件 892 2009-05-03 11:01 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_05_LS.m
文件 996 2009-07-03 20:55 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_06_RLS.m
文件 1338 2009-08-24 22:39 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_07_FFRLS.m
文件 1584 2009-08-23 15:25 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_08_RELS.m
文件 895 2009-07-03 20:50 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_09_RGC.m
文件 1303 2009-07-03 20:49 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_10_RSNA.m
文件 1931 2009-07-03 20:47 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_11_RML.m
文件 2559 2009-07-03 20:44 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap2\chap2_12_MIMO_RLS.m
文件 960 2010-12-11 14:55 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\3_2.asv
文件 960 2010-12-11 15:05 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\3_2.m
文件 942 2010-12-09 16:16 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\3_3.m
文件 1080 2010-12-09 16:45 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\3_4.m
文件 808 2009-08-24 22:55 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_01_Runge_Kutta_Euler.m
文件 990 2009-07-03 21:13 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_02_MIT_MRAC.m
文件 1121 2009-07-03 21:13 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_03_MIT_MRAC_Standard.m
文件 1080 2009-07-03 21:12 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_04_Lyapunov_MRAC_Gain.m
文件 1444 2009-07-03 21:11 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_05_Lyapunov_MRAC__State.m
文件 1568 2009-07-03 21:10 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_06_Narendra_MRAC_n1.m
文件 1747 2009-07-03 21:09 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_07_Narendra_MRAC_n2.m
文件 1562 2009-07-03 21:07 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_08_DMRAS_ord2.m
文件 1677 2009-07-03 21:05 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_09_DMRAS_ordn_d.m
文件 1646 2009-07-03 22:06 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap3\chap3_10_DMRAS_ordn.m
文件 259 2009-08-24 10:33 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap4\chap4_01_sindiophantine.m
文件 225 2009-05-03 13:20 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap4\chap4_02_multidiophantine.m
文件 1252 2009-07-03 21:35 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap4\chap4_03_MVC.m
文件 2317 2009-08-24 11:48 System recognition and adaptive control procedures\chap4\chap4_04_MVSTC_indirect.m
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