function BER4m = ostbc4m(M frLen numPackets EbNo)
%OSTBC4M Orthogonal space-time block coding for 4xM antenna configurations.
% BER4M = OSTBC4M(M FRLEN NUMPACKETS EBNOVEC) computes the bit-error rate
% estimates via simulation for an orthogonal space-time block coded
% configuration using four transmit antennas and M receive antennas where
% the frame length number of packets simulated and the Eb/No range of values
% are given by FRLEN NUMPACKETS and EBNOVEC parameters respectively.
% The simulation uses a half-rate orthogonal STBC encoding scheme with QPSK
% modulated symbols to achieve a 1 bit/sec/Hz throughput for the channel.
% Appropriate combining is performed at the receiver to account for the
% multiple transmitter antennas.
% Suggested parameter values:
% M = 1 to 4; FRLEN = 100; NUMPACKETS = 1000; EBNOVEC = 0:2:20;
% Example:
% ber42 = ostbc4m(2 100 1000 0:2:20);
% See also MRC1M OSTBC2M.
% References:
% [1] S. M. Alamouti “A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless
% communications“ IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
% Vol. 16 No. 8 Oct. 1998 pp. 1451-1458.
% [2] V. Tarokh H. Jafarkhami and A.R. Calderbank “Space-time block codes
% from orthogonal designs“ IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
% Vol. 45 No. 5 Jul. 1999 pp. 1456-1467.
% [3] V. Tarokh H. Jafarkhami and A.R. Calderbank “Space-time block codes
% for wireless communications: Performance results“ IEEE Journal on
% Selected Areas in Communications Vol. 17 No. 3 Mar. 1999
% pp. 451-460.
% Copyright 2006 The MathWorks Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/12/27 20:28:37 $
%% Simulation parameters
N = 4; % Number of transmit antennas
rate = 0.5; inc = N/rate; repFactor = 8;
% Create QPSK mod-demod objects
numBits = 2;
P = 4; % modulation order
qpskmod = modem.pskmod(‘M‘ P ‘SymbolOrder‘ ‘Gray‘ ‘InputType‘ ‘Integer‘);
qpskdemod = modem.pskdemod(qpskmod);
%% Pre-allocate variables for speed
txEnc = zeros(frLen/rate N); r = zeros(frLen/rate M);
H = zeros(frLen/rate N M);
z = zeros(frLen M); z1 = zeros(frLen/N M); z2 = z1; z3 = z1; z4 = z1;
error4m = zeros(1 numPackets); error4mb = error4m;
SER4m = zeros(1 length(EbNo)); BER4m = SER4m;
h = waitbar(0 ‘Percentage Completed‘);
set(h ‘name‘ ‘Please wait...‘);
wb = 100/length(EbNo);
%% Loop over EbNo points
for idx = 1:length(EbNo)
% Loop over the number of packets
for packetIdx = 1:numPackets
data = randint(frLen 1 P); % data vector per user/channel
tx = modulate(qpskmod data); % QPSK modulation
% Space-Time Block Encoder - G4 1/2 rate
% G4Half = [s1 s2 s3 s4;-s2 s1 -s4 s3;-s3 s4 s1 -s2;-s4 -s3 s2 s1];
% G4 = [G4Half; conj(G4Half)];
s1 = tx(1:N:end); s2 = tx(2:N:end); s3 = tx(3:
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