该版本是MPT3.2.1 2019年最新更新稳定版。附带帮助文档与多个例子。
%% installation of tbxmanager with all submodels required for MPT
disp(‘Installation of MPT using the Toolbox manager.‘);
disp(‘ ‘);
fprintf([‘Choose the installation directory where to install the Toolbox manager.\n‘...
‘A new folder “tbxmanager“ is going to be created in the specified location.\n‘...
‘If you do not specify the folder the Toolbox manager will be installed in the current directory.\n‘]);
% get the installation folder
default_dir = pwd;
c = uigetdir(pwd);
if isequal(c0);
fprintf([‘No directory has been provided.\n‘...
‘Installing the toolbox manager in the current directory “%s“?\n‘]default_dir);
c = default_dir;
% create a new directory in that folder
d = [cfilesep‘tbxmanager‘];
if isequal(exist(d‘dir‘)7)
error(‘The installation directory “%s“ already exists.\nPlease remove or rename the folder or change the installation path.‘d);
disp(‘Creating the directory “tbxmanager“.‘);
out = mkdir(d);
if ~out
error([‘An error appear when trying to create the folder “%s“.\n‘...
‘Please install the Toolbox manager manually.‘]c);
% enter that directory
% remove MPT2 or YALMIP
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘Removing toolboxes that may conflict with MPT from the Matlab path.‘);
% download the tbxmanager
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘Downloading the Toolbox manager from the internet.‘);
[f c] = urlwrite(‘http://www.tbxmanager.com/tbxmanager.m‘ ‘tbxmanager.m‘);
if isequal(c0)
error(‘Could not download the Toolbox manager from the internet. The installation cannot continue.‘);
% install all required modules
tbxmanager install mpt mptdoc cddmex fourier glpkmex hysdel lcp sedumi yalmip
% create the initialization file to set the path
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘Creating the initialization file “startup.m“.‘);
p = which(‘startup.m‘);
if isempty(p)
p = [dfilesep‘startup.m‘];
fid = fopen(p‘a‘);
if isequal(fid-1)
error([‘Could not modify the initialization file “startup.m“.‘...
‘Edit this file in the folder “%s“ manually and insert there the line: tbxmanager restorepath.‘]p);
fprintf(fid‘tbxmanager restorepath\n‘);
disp(‘File has been created.‘);
% get back to the original directory
% add path to tbxmanager
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘Adding path to Matlab.‘);
% save path for future
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘Saving path for future sessions.‘);
status = savepath;
if status
fprintf(‘Could not save the path to a default location\nplease provide a location where you want to save the path.‘);
cn = uigetdir(pwd);
if isequal(cn0)
disp(‘ ‘);
fprintf(‘No directory specified saving the path to the c
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3535 2019-09-26 10:53 MPT安装\install_mpt3.m
文件 23 2019-09-26 11:11 MPT安装\tbxmanager\startup.m
文件 171 2019-09-27 14:20 MPT安装\tbxmanager\tbxenabled.txt
文件 39964 2019-09-26 11:01 MPT安装\tbxmanager\tbxmanager.m
文件 44 2019-09-26 11:01 MPT安装\tbxmanager\tbxsources.txt
....... 23242 2013-10-01 22:31 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\cddmex\1.0.1\pcwin64\source\cddmex.c
....... 6418 2013-10-01 22:31 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\cddmex\1.0.1\pcwin64\source\cddmex.m
....... 87040 2013-10-01 22:34 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\cddmex\1.0.1\pcwin64\source\cddmex.mexw64
....... 3184 2012-09-17 16:04 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\fourier\1.0\pcwin64\fourier_1_0_pcwin64\fourier.m
....... 13312 2012-09-17 16:04 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\fourier\1.0\pcwin64\fourier_1_0_pcwin64\fourier.mexw64
....... 1200 2012-09-17 16:04 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\fourier\1.0\pcwin64\fourier_1_0_pcwin64\readme.txt
....... 20365 2013-01-21 16:30 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\glpkmex\1.0\pcwin64\glpkmex_1_0_pcwin64\glpkmex_1_0_pcwin64\glpk.m
....... 429056 2013-01-21 16:30 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\glpkmex\1.0\pcwin64\glpkmex_1_0_pcwin64\glpkmex_1_0_pcwin64\glpkcc.mexw64
....... 1016334 2012-06-10 22:57 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\hysdel\2.0.6\pcwin64\hysdel.exe
....... 21880 2013-06-10 22:51 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp.c
....... 1831 2013-06-10 22:52 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp.h
....... 11490 2013-02-21 19:15 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp.m
....... 34304 2013-08-22 17:47 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp.mexw64
....... 4095 2013-02-21 19:15 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_compile.m
....... 10852 2013-08-22 17:46 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_main.c
....... 29513 2013-06-10 22:52 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_matrix.c
....... 7196 2013-06-10 22:52 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_matrix.h
....... 28696 2013-06-10 22:52 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_sfun.c
....... 41472 2013-08-22 17:47 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_sfun.mexw64
....... 54549 2013-06-06 19:33 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_sim.mdl
....... 1515 2013-02-21 19:15 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lcp_test.m
....... 15414 2013-02-21 19:15 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\LICENSE.txt
....... 24473 2013-06-10 22:52 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lumod_dense.c
....... 4149 2013-06-10 22:52 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\lumod_dense.h
....... 1546 2013-06-10 17:36 MPT安装\tbxmanager\toolboxes\lcp\1.0.3\pcwin64\source\README.txt
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