% DIPUM Toolbox.
% Version 2.0.2 27-May-2012
% MATLAB functions from the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB by
% R.C. Gonzalez R.E. Woods and S.L. Eddins Gatesmark Publishing 2009.
% Book web site: http://www.imageprocessingplace.com
% Publisher web site: http://www.gatesmark.com/DIPUM2e.htm
% Release information.
% Readme - Information about current and previous versions.
% Image display and exploration.
% ice - Interactive Color Editor.
% rgbcube - Displays an RGB cube on the MATLAB desktop.
% Image file I/O
% movie2tifs - Creates a multiframe TIFF file from a MATLAB movie.
% seq2tifs - Creates a multi-frame TIFF file from a MATLAB sequence.
% tifs2movie - Create a MATLAB movie from a multiframe TIFF file.
% tifs2seq - Create a MATLAB sequence from a multi-frame TIFF file.
% Geometric transformations.
% imtransform2 - 2-D image transformation with fixed output location.
% pixeldup - Duplicates pixels of an image in both directions.
% pointgrid - Points arranged on a grid.
% reprotate - Rotate image repeatedly.
% vistform - Visualization transformation effect on set of points.
% Image registration.
% visreg - Visualize registered images.
% Pixel values and statistics.
% localmean - Computes an array of local means.
% statmoments - Computes statistical central moments of image histogram.
% Image analysis.
% bayesgauss - Bayes classifier for Gaussian patterns.
% bound2eight - Convert 4-connected boundary to 8-connected boundary.
% bound2four - Convert 8-connected boundary to 4-connected boundary.
% bound2im - Converts a boundary to an image.
% boundarydir - Determine the direction of a sequence of planar points.
% bsubsamp - Subsample a boundary.
% colorgrad - Computes the vector gradient of an RGB image.
% colorseg - Performs segmentation of a color image.
% connectpoly - Connects vertices of a polygon.
% cornerprocess - Processes the output of function cornermetric.
% diameter - Measure diameter and related properties of image regions.
% fchcode - Computes the Freeman chain code of a boundary.
% frdescp - Computes Fourier descriptors.
% ifrdescp - Computes inverse Fourier descriptors.
% im2minperpoly - Minimum perimeter polygon.
% imstack2vectors - Extracts vectors from an image stack.
% invmoments - Compute invariant moments of image.
% localthresh - Local thresholding.
% mahalanobis - Computes the Mahalanobis distance.
% movingthresh - Image segmentation using a moving average threshold.
% otsuthresh - Otsu‘s optimum threshold given a histogram.
% polyangles - Computes internal polygon angles.
% principalcomps - Principal-component vectors and related quantities.
% randvertex - Adds random noise to the
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文件 216 2008-11-21 16:18 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH01_Images\._Fig0101.tif
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文件 216 2003-05-18 16:36 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\._Fig0208(a).tif
文件 216 2002-01-24 02:15 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\._Fig0210(a).tif
文件 216 2003-02-03 16:55 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\._Fig0216(a).tif
文件 216 2013-07-14 20:43 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\._Fig0217(a).tif
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文件 216 2008-06-15 23:26 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\._Fig0228(a).tif
文件 216 2006-04-11 10:56 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\._Fig0233(a).tif
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文件 868482 2003-05-18 16:55 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\Fig0219(a).tif
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文件 342542 2006-04-11 10:56 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH02_Images\Fig0233(a).tif
文件 216 2008-05-26 12:59 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH03_Images\._Fig0303(a).tif
文件 216 2003-03-04 01:47 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH03_Images\._Fig0305(a).tif
文件 216 2002-12-03 01:02 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH03_Images\._Fig0309(a).tif
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文件 216 2002-03-19 02:27 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH03_Images\._Fig0318(a).tif
文件 216 2002-03-19 15:05 Book_Images\DIPUM2E_International_Ed_CH03_Images\._Fig0319(a).tif
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