
function CD_IRMAD_ITPCA(varargin)
% ChangeDetection :
% The function allows to perform the change detection analysis by choosing between two methods:
% ITPCA is based on the application of the Iterated PCA (ITPCA) analysis. By analyzing the 1st principal
% component it is possible to find a linear relation between the two input images and perform a
% recalibration between them. The results of ITPCA could be improved by using a initial change mask
% which pixels are excluded from the forward analysis. On the recalibrate images the chi square is
% calculated by applying the EH algorithm which performs a
% multidimensional gaussian mixture estimation of both changed and unchanged classes.
% IRMAD is a technique that performs a Iteratively Reweighted Multivariate Alteration Detection. The chi
% square is calculated applying the EM algorithm which estimate the multidimensional gaussian mixture of
% both changed and unchanged classes.
% For both methods is possible to apply in post-processing a windows-based misregistration recovery in
% order to correct small misregistration errors.
% ---------------------------------
% Syntax:
% CD_IRMAD_ITPCA(); * the input are asked by a dialog box
% CD_IRMAD_ITPCA(image_t1image_t2method); * in line at least 3 arguments are needed
% CD_IRMAD_ITPCA(image_t1image_t2methodoptssave_namepath_name);
% method ITPCA -> opts: [Tc flag_plot size_im flag_mask low_val dimWin flag_roc flag_save]
% method IRMAD -> opts: [PCs epsln size_im flag_mask low_val dimWin flag_roc flag_save]
% ---------------------------------
% Inputs:
% - image_t1 - string of the whole path of the ENVI bip format image at data t1
% - image_t2 - string of the whole path of the ENVI bip format image at data t2
% - method - string: choose between ‘ITPCA‘ and ‘IRMAD‘
% - opts for ITPCA: (vector of integer)
% 1 - Tc - ITPCA flag: convergence threshold for the ITPCA method
% default value = 0.002
% 2 - flag_plot - 0 no plot
% - 1 plot of the PCs
% 3 - size_im - in based on the dimension of the data set is possible to select a
% different processing strategy:
% 0 -> the whole data set is read and save in the workspace
% 1 -> the data set is read line by line from files(less memory
% used but it takes more time)
% default value = 0
% 4 - flag_mask - 1 to choose a strict mask thresholding based on EM algorithm
% 2 to choose a relaxed mask thresholding based on EM algorithm
% 3 to use the principal component instead of the original data set
% 0 no mask
% default value = 0
% 5 - low_val - value in % to
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5000000 2017-04-11 20:10 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ag_08_maxlike.img
文件 952 2017-04-11 20:09 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ag_08_maxlike.img.hdr
文件 5000000 2017-04-11 20:10 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ag_09_maxlike.img
文件 952 2017-04-11 20:09 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ag_09_maxlike.img.hdr
文件 35864 2017-05-25 21:08 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\CD_IRMAD_ITPCA.m
文件 27402 2017-05-25 22:06 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\CD_IRMAD_ITPCA1.m
文件 14220 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ICM\ICM.m
文件 21852 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ICM\ICMLine.m
文件 15533 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\IRMAD\IRMAD.m
文件 15338 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\IRMAD\IRMADLine.m
文件 14893 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ITPCA\ITPCA.m
文件 21854 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\ITPCA\ITPCALine.m
文件 1577014 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\Software desc
文件 1081 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\ChiSquare.m
文件 1923 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\ChiSquareLine.m
文件 4832 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\COVMat.m
文件 6682 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\covmatEval.m
文件 2307 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\covw.m
文件 10011 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\EM_GM.m
文件 2479 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\meanEval.m
文件 1917 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\statistic\stdEval.m
文件 4742 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\Draw_ROIs.m
文件 2514 2017-05-25 22:07 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\envidataread.m
文件 4907 2017-05-25 22:05 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\envihdrread.m
文件 1157 2017-05-25 22:07 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\envInfo.m
文件 740 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\enviread.m
文件 1159 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\hdrWrite.m
文件 2966 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\matlabToEnvi.m
文件 2462 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\PCALine.m
文件 6508 2015-09-12 03:53 Change-detection-tool-for-MATLAB-test\utility\scatplot.m
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