流形学习非线性降维 ISOMAP降维 matlab代码 matlab降维 完整版

// Test program for the F-heap implementation.
// Copyright (c) 1996 by John Boyer.
// See header file for free usage information.
#include “mex.h“
extern void _main();
#include “fibheap.h“
#define _FIBHEAP_CPP
// This Fibonacci heap implementation is Copyright (c) 1996 by John Boyer.
// See the header file for free usage information.
// The classes in this package are designed to allow the package user
// to quickly and easily develop applications that require a heap data
// structure. Using amortized analysis the asymptotically fastest heap
// data structure is the Fibonacci heap. The constants are a little
// high so the real speed gain will not be seen until larger data sets
// are required but in most cases if the data set is small then the
// run-time will be neglible anyway.
// To use this heap class you need do only two things. First subclass
// the FibHeapNode class to create the class of objects that you‘d
// like to store in a heap. Second create an instance of the FibHeap
// class which can then be used to Insert() ExtractMin() etc.
// instances of your FibHeapNode subclass. Notice that you don‘t need
// to create a subclass of the FibHeap class.
// The application-specific data object that you‘d like to store in a heap
// will have a key value. In the class that you derive from FibHeapNode
// you will need to define the key structure then provide assignment (=)
// equality (==) and less-than operators and a destructor. These functions
// are declared virtual so that the code in the FibHeap class can compare
// assign and destroy your objects by calling on your code.
// The overloaded operators in your defined class MUST call functions in
// the Fibonacci heap node class first. For assignment the function
// FHN_Assign() should be called before code that deals with the copy of
// the key value. For comparison operators the function FHN_Cmp() should
// appear first. If it returns 0 then keys can be compared as normal.
// The following indicates what the three most common operators must do
// based on the return value of FHN_Cmp()
// For == if zero returned then compare keys
// if non-zero X returned then return 0
// For < if zero returned then compare keys
// if non-zero X returned then return X<0?1:0
// For > if zero returned then compare keys
// if non-zero X returned then return X>0?1:0
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 28120 2000-12-21 12:38 Isomap\Isomap\dijkstra.cpp
文件 57344 2000-12-21 12:38 Isomap\Isomap\dijkstra.dll
文件 24229368 2013-03-15 09:49 Isomap\Isomap\face_data\face_data.mat
文件 820 2013-03-15 19:10 Isomap\Isomap\face_data\posesSelect.mat
文件 118 2013-03-15 14:37 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\autoIso.m
文件 85 2000-12-21 12:38 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\dfun.m
文件 3244 2000-12-21 12:38 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\dijk.m
文件 1822 2000-12-21 12:38 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\dijkstra.m
文件 3046 2000-12-29 07:55 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\fibheap.h
文件 7480 2013-03-15 11:40 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\Isomap.m
文件 13415 2013-03-15 20:46 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\IsomapII.m
文件 1956 2000-12-21 12:38 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\L2_distance.m
文件 8856 2000-12-22 15:45 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\Readme
文件 744 2013-03-15 20:02 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\showFacesOnR2.asv
文件 745 2013-03-15 21:05 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\showFacesOnR2.m
文件 224 2013-03-15 20:51 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\showFacesOnR2AfterDR.m
文件 800256 2000-12-21 12:38 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1\swiss_roll_data.mat
目录 0 2013-03-15 09:51 Isomap\Isomap\face_data
目录 0 2013-03-15 09:51 Isomap\Isomap\IsomapR1
目录 0 2013-03-15 09:51 Isomap\Isomap
目录 0 2017-11-18 15:12 Isomap
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