% CVX: A system for disciplined convex programming.
% CVX is a modeling framework for building constructing and solving
% disciplined convex programs.
% cvx_setup - Sets up and tests the cvx distribution.
% commands - Top-level commands to create and control CVX.
% functions - Additional functions created specifically for CVX.
% keywords - Keywords for declaring variables and objectives
% lib - Code for internal use by CVX.
% matlab6 - Support functions necessary for MATLAB 6.1 only.
% sdpt3 - The SDPT3 semidefinite-quadratic-linear solver.
% sedumi - The SeDuMi semidefinite-quadratic-linear solver.
% sets - CVX set definitions: nonnegative semidefinite etc.
% structures
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2012-02-01 16:43 cvx\
文件 9498 2010-12-17 15:21 cvx\cvx_setup.m
目录 0 2012-02-01 16:43 cvx\sets\
文件 2543 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\convex_poly_coeffs.m
文件 1139 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\nonnegative.m
文件 1875 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\simplex.m
文件 1901 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\rotated_complex_lorentz.m
文件 1465 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\hermitian_semidefinite.m
文件 1986 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\complex_lorentz.m
文件 2674 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\semidefinite.m
文件 11373 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\geo_mean_cone.m
文件 1482 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\Contents.m
文件 1087 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\norm_ball.m
文件 5142 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\nonneg_poly_coeffs.m
文件 3415 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\rotated_lorentz.m
文件 1673 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\exponential.m
文件 3330 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\sets\lorentz.m
目录 0 2012-02-01 16:43 cvx\structures\
文件 618 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_skew_symmetric.m
文件 322 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_scaled_identity.m
文件 412 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_hankel.m
文件 457 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_orthog_structure.m
文件 870 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_invert_structure.m
文件 934 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_banded.m
文件 1867 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\Contents.m
文件 831 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_hermitian.m
目录 0 2012-02-01 16:43 cvx\structures\@cvx\
文件 1867 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\@cvx\structures.m
文件 307 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_lower_triangular.m
文件 307 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_upper_hessenberg.m
文件 307 2010-05-09 04:36 cvx\structures\cvx_s_upper_bidiagonal.m
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