大小: 0.51M文件类型: .rar金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-02-02
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: point matching gesture recognition hand-depth hand matlab
% im = appendimages(image1 image2)
% Return a new image that appends the two images side-by-side.
function im = appendimages(image1 image2)
% Select the image with the fewest rows and fill in enough empty rows
% to make it the same height as the other image.
rows1 = size(image11);
rows2 = size(image21);
if (rows1 < rows2)
image1(rows21) = 0;
image2(rows11) = 0;
% Now append both images side-by-side.
im = [image1 image2];
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 127157 2011-02-16 17:42 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\AlgorithmOverall.jpg
文件 135670 2011-02-16 17:42 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\MKRoDAlgorithm.jpg
文件 461 2005-07-07 22:54 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\appendimages.m
文件 1455 2011-02-17 17:38 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\execHGR.m
文件 545 2011-02-17 16:38 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\findMax.m
文件 3764 2011-02-17 17:03 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\formResults.m
文件 5161 2011-02-17 16:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\hgr.m
文件 20400 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Databa
文件 19882 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Databa
文件 21601 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Databa
文件 22673 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Databa
文件 20161 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Databa
文件 21438 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Databa
文件 21214 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Databa
文件 8702 2006-05-25 15:18 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\a_caglar.jpg
文件 19557 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\b_sample.jpg
文件 6115 2006-05-21 19:16 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\b_sample_green.jpg
文件 42071 2006-05-25 15:36 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\c_caglar.JPG
文件 17443 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\c_sample.jpg
文件 21064 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\h_sample.jpg
文件 22134 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\i_sample.jpg
文件 19481 2004-12-14 00:04 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\l_sample.jpg
文件 19325 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\o_sample.jpg
文件 21244 2004-12-12 00:37 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\Images\Inputs\sample\y_sample.jpg
文件 315 2006-05-22 19:51 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\initDB.m
文件 1434 2011-02-17 17:30 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\isrgb1.m
文件 4833 2011-02-17 17:36 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\match.m
文件 2621 2011-02-17 17:29 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\sift.m
文件 94208 2005-07-07 22:54 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\siftWin32.exe
文件 1392 2011-02-14 13:47 Point Pattern Matching- Hand Gesture\Project\Project_0\theHGRDataba
- image_matching
- PointCloud3DReconstruction 实现了点云的三
- vanishing-points 灭点标定
- Template-matching 模板匹配字符识别的程
- Triangle-of-Point-Cloud
- orthogonal-matching-pursuit OMP算法的matlab的
- image-matching matlab编写的一个影像匹配
- 3D_MATCHing_SIFT matlab环境下的三维点云配
- RDA_single_point_imaging 对机载SAR系统点目
- ImageMatching_MATLAB 一个图像配准的MATL
sed-feature-points-match - LBP-SIFT-image-matching-algorithm-combined
- pointCloud2mesh
- MATLAB代码——归一化八点算法《In D
- 多路径匹配追踪深度优先 MATLAB
- getpointsXYZ.rar
- 基于谱熵语音端点检测
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