function [CV1CV2rhov1v2s11s22s12] = cancorr(fname1fname2 ...
% [CV1CV2rhov1v2s11s22s12] = cancorr(fname1fname2 ...
% nrowsncolsnvar1nvar2varargin)
% CANCORR - canonical correlation analysis
% Input
% fname1 - file name of multivariate band sequential byte float32 or int16 input image
% number one
% fname2 - file name of multivariate band sequential byte float32 or int16 input image
% number two
% nrows - number of rows in input image number one
% ncols - number of columns in input image number one
% nvars1 - number of variables or bands or channels in input image number one
% nvars2 - number of variables or bands or channels in input image number two
% fnameo1 - outout file name for CV1 BSQ fl
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 7637 2005-02-21 12:29 mad.m
文件 4454 2005-02-26 17:19 maf.m
文件 3979 2005-02-15 17:47 pca.m
文件 651 2007-02-21 09:15 pool.m
文件 7628 2005-02-15 19:08 cancorr.m
文件 247 2005-01-27 11:14 eigen2.m
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