% BranchCuts.m generates branch cuts based on the phase residues. This is
% done using the Goldstein method as described in “Two-dimensional phase
% unwrapping: theory algorithms and software“ by Dennis Ghiglia and
% Mark Pritt.
% “residue_charge“ is a matrix wherein positive residues are 1 and
% negative residues are 0. residue_charge是一个矩阵,用来保存残差值。
% “max_box_radius“ defines the maximum search radius for the balancing of
% residues. If this is too large areas will be isolated by the branch
% cuts.最大窗口半径
% “IM_mask“ is a binary matrix. This serves as an artificial border for the
% branch cuts to connect to.二进制矩阵
% Created by B.S. Spottiswoode on 15/10/2004
% Last modified on 18/10/2004
function branch_cuts=BranchCuts(residue_charge max_box_radius IM_mask);
[rowdim coldim]=size(residue_charge);
branch_cuts=~IM_mask; %Define initial branch cuts borders as the mask.
residue_charge(logical(~IM_mask))=0; %将不在掩膜中的残差点去掉。Remove all residues except those in the mask
cluster_counter=1; %记录每个群中的残差点个数。Keep track of the number of residues in each cluster
satellite_residues=0; %记录卫星参差点个数?Keep track of the number of satellite residues accounted for
residue_binary=(residue_charge~=0); %逻辑矩阵标注了残差点的位置,即正残差点(+1标记)和负残差点(-1标记)的位置全部用1表明,非残差点不变是0。
residue_balanced=zeros(rowdim coldim); %初始时假定所有的残差点都是不平衡的。
[rowrescolres] = find(residue_binary); %找到残差点的坐标Find the coordinates of the residues
adjacent_residues=zeros(rowdim coldim); %定义搜寻窗口中找到的新残差点的位置Defines the positions of additional residues found in the search box
missed_residues=0; %记录有效的残差点的个数?Keep track of the effective number of residues left unbalanced because of
disp(‘Calculating branch cuts ...‘);
fprintf(‘residues numbe %d‘temp(1));
for i=1:temp(1); %Loop through the residues
radius=1; %Set the initial box size
r_active=rowres(i); %当前活动残差点的行数和列数。Coordinates of the active residue
count_nearby_residues_flag=1; %用于说明是否跟踪周围残差点的标记。Flag to indicate whether or not to keep track of the nearby residues
cluster_counter=1; %重置残差点个数记录Reset the cluster counter
adjacent_residues=zeros(rowdim coldim); %重置邻近的Reset the adjacent residues indicator
charge_counter=residue_charge_masked(r_active c_active); %保存初始残差点电量Store the initial residue charge
if residue_balanced(r_active c_active)~=1 %Has this residue al
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 328758 2014-01-10 06:17 枝切法\100.bmp
文件 328758 2014-01-10 06:17 枝切法\101.bmp
文件 328758 2014-01-10 06:17 枝切法\102.bmp
文件 328758 2014-01-10 06:17 枝切法\103.bmp
文件 328758 2014-01-10 06:17 枝切法\104.bmp
文件 18100 2013-12-03 12:28 枝切法\BranchCuts.asv
文件 18137 2014-01-04 01:11 枝切法\BranchCuts.m
文件 12081 2013-12-04 07:58 枝切法\FloodFill.asv
文件 12081 2013-12-04 07:58 枝切法\FloodFill.m
文件 3709 2013-12-14 06:34 枝切法\GoldsteinUnwrap2D.m
文件 2086 2009-12-29 06:07 枝切法\PhaseResidues.m
文件 3698 2013-12-04 07:53 枝切法\xiugai.asv
文件 3894 2014-07-04 19:28 枝切法\xiugai.m
目录 0 2014-07-13 13:25 枝切法
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