
function edge_ACO
%参考文献:“An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm For Image Edge
close all; clear all; clc;
% 读入图像
filename = ‘ant128‘;
img = double(img)./255;
[nrow ncol] = size(img);
for nMethod = 1:4;
%四种不同的核函数 参见式 (3.24.7)-(3.24.10)
%E: exponential; F: flat; G: gaussian; S:Sine; T:Turkey; W:Wave
fprintf(‘Welcome to demo program of image edge detection using ant colony.\nPlease wait......\n‘);
v = zeros(size(img));
v_norm = 0;
for rr =1:nrow
for cc=1:ncol
temp1 = [rr-2 cc-1; rr-2 cc+1; rr-1 cc-2; rr-1 cc-1; rr-1 cc; rr-1 cc+1; rr-1 cc+2; rr cc-1];
temp2 = [rr+2 cc+1; rr+2 cc-1; rr+1 cc+2; rr+1 cc+1; rr+1 cc; rr+1 cc-1; rr+1 cc-2; rr cc+1];
temp0 = find(temp1(:1)>=1 & temp1(:1)<=nrow & temp1(:2)>=1 & temp1(:2)<=ncol & temp2(:1)>=1 & temp2(:1)<=nrow & temp2(:2)>=1 & temp2(:2)<=ncol);
temp11 = temp1(temp0 :);
temp22 = temp2(temp0 :);
temp00 = zeros(size(temp111));
for kk = 1:size(temp111)
temp00(kk) = abs(img(temp11(kk1) temp11(kk2))-img(temp22(kk1) temp22(kk2)));
if size(temp111) == 0
v(rr cc) = 0;
v_norm = v_norm + v(rr cc);
lambda = 10;
switch nMethod
case 1%‘F‘
temp00 = lambda .* temp00;
case 2%‘Q‘
temp00 = lambda .* temp00.^2;
case 3%‘S‘
temp00 = sin(pi .* temp00./2./lambda);
case 4%‘W‘
temp00 = sin(pi.*temp00./lambda).*pi.*temp00./lambda;
v(rr cc) = sum(sum(temp00.^2));
v_norm = v_norm + v(rr cc);
% 归一化
v = v./v_norm;
v = v.*100;
p = 0.0001 .* ones(size(img)); % 信息素函数初始化
alpha = 1; %式(3.24.4)中的参数
beta = 0.1; %式(3.24.4)中的参数
rho = 0.1; %式(3.24.11)中的参数
phi = 0.05; %equation (12) i.e. (9) in IEEE-CIM-06
ant_total_num = round(sqrt(nrow*ncol));
% 记录蚂蚁的位置
ant_pos_idx = zeros(ant_total_num 2);
% 初始化蚂蚁的位置
rand(‘state‘ sum(clock));
temp = rand(ant_total_num 2);
ant_pos_idx(:1) = round(1 + (nrow-1) * temp(:1)); %行坐标
ant_pos_idx(:2) = round(1 + (ncol-1) * temp(:2)); %列坐标
search_clique_mode = ‘8‘; %Figure 1
% 定义存储空间容量
if nrow*ncol == 128*128
A = 40;
memory_length = round(rand(1).*(1.15*A-0.85*A)+0.85*A);
elseif nrow*ncol == 256*256
A = 30;
memory_length = round(rand(1).*(1.15*A-0.85*A)+0.85*A);
elseif nrow*ncol == 512*512
A = 20;
memory_length = round(rand(1).*(1.15*A-0.85*A)+0.85*A);
ant_memory = zeros(ant_tot
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2014-12-15 19:57 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\
文件 5121 2011-07-17 18:09 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\ant.jpg
文件 4717 2014-12-15 19:56 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\ant128_edge_aco_1.jpg
文件 4757 2014-12-15 19:56 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\ant128_edge_aco_2.jpg
文件 5004 2014-12-15 19:57 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\ant128_edge_aco_3.jpg
文件 4625 2014-12-15 19:57 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\ant128_edge_aco_4.jpg
文件 8509 2012-02-15 23:25 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\edge_ACO.m
文件 24064 2011-09-26 22:48 基于蚁群算法的图像边缘检测\程序运行说明.doc
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