% Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control (FMRLC) System for a Tanker Ship
% By: Kevin Passino
% Version: 4/26/01
% Notes: This program has evolved over time and uses programming
% ideas of Andrew Kwong Jeff Layne and Brian Klinehoffer.
% This program simulates an FMRLC for a tanker
% ship. It has a fuzzy controller with two inputs the error
% in the ship heading (e) and the change in that error (c). The output
% of the fuzzy controller is the rudder input (delta). The FMRLC
% adjusts the fuzzy controller to try to get tanker ship heading (psi)
% to track the output of a “reference model“ (psi_m) that has as an
% input the reference input heading (psi_r). We simulate the tanker
% as a continuous time system that is controlled by an FMRLC that
% is implemented on a digital computer with a sampling interval of T=1 sec.
% This program can be used to illustrate:
% - How to code an FMRLC (for two inputs and one output
% for the controller and “fuzzy inverse model“).
% - How to tune the input and output gains of an FMRLC.
% - How changes in plant conditions (“ballast“ and “full“ and speed)
% can affect performance and how the FMRLC can adapt to improve
% performance when there are such changes.
% - How the effects of sensor noise (heading sensor noise) and plant
% disturbances (wind hitting the side of the ship) can be reduced
% over the case of non-adaptive fuzzy control.
% - The shape of the nonlinearity synthesized by the FMRLC
% by plotting the input-output map of the fuzzy controller at the
% end of the simulation (and providing the output membership function
% centers).
clear % Clear all variables in memory
% Initialize ship parameters
ell=350; % Length of the ship (in meters)
abar=1; % Parameters for nonlinearity
% Define the reference model (we use a first order transfer function
% k_r/(s+a_r)):
% Initialize parameters for the fuzzy controller
nume=11; % Number of input membership functions for the e
% universe of discourse (can change this but must also
% change some variables below if you make such a change)
numc=11; % Number of input membership functions for the c
% universe of discourse (can change this but must also
% change some variables below if you make such a change)
% Next we define the scaling gains for tuning membership functions for
% universes of discourse for e change in e (what we call c) and
% delta. These are g1 g2 and g0 respectively
% These can be tuned to try to improve the performance.
% First guess:
g1=1/pi;g2=100;g0=8*pi/18; % Chosen since:
% g1: The heading error is at most 180 deg (pi rad)
% g2: Just a guess - that ship heading will change at most
% by 0.01
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