本源代码来自于网站。代码能够在读入的图片中进行直线、折线的绘制,并能够控制端点标记。这个代码弥补了matlab在原图中绘制图形的缺陷。matlab plot函数绘制的线段,并没有改变读入图片的数据,直接保存图片的矩阵数据,不会保留绘制的直线。利用print、saveas 等函数保存厚的图片尺寸和以前大小不同,而且保存的图片存在空白边框问题。该代码完美解决了这一问题。
function I=bitmapplot(xyIbackgroundoptions)
% BITMAPPLOT Linear plot in bitmap.
% Iplot=bitmapplot(xyIbackgroundoptions)
% inputs
% x : a vector with x values
% y : a vector with y values with same length as x
% Ibackground: the bitmap used as background when a m x n x 3 matrix
% color plots are made when m x n a greyscale plot.
% options: struct with options such as color
% outputs
% Iplot: The bitmap containing the plotted lines
% note
% Colors are always [r(ed) g(reen) b(lue) a(pha)] with range 0..1.
% when Ibackground is grayscale the mean of rgb is used as grey value.
% options
% options.Color: The color of the line.
% options.FillColor: If this color is set the region between
% the x and y coordnates will be filled with this color.
% options.LineWidth: Thickness of the line in pixels 123..n
% options.Marker: The marker type: ‘o‘ ‘+‘ or ‘*‘.
% options.MarkerColor: The color of the markers used.
% options.MarkerSize: The size of the markers used
% example
% % Make empty bitmap
% I = zeros([320 256 3]);
% % Add a line
% x=rand(110)*50+50; y=linspace(151210);
% I=bitmapplot(xyI);
% % Add a thick red line
% x=rand(110)*50+100; y=linspace(125610);
% I=bitmapplot(xyIstruct(‘LineWidth‘5‘Color‘[1 0 0 1]));
% % Add a line with markers
% x=rand(110)*50+150; y=linspace(125610);
% I=bitmapplot(xyIstruct(‘Marker‘‘*‘‘MarkerColor‘[1 0 1 1]‘Color‘[1 1 0 1]));
% % Add a filled polygon
% x=[1 100 30 100]+200; y=[30 1 250 200];
% I=bitmapplot(xyIstruct(‘FillColor‘[0 1 0 0.5]‘Color‘[1 1 0 1]));
% % Add a filled polygon on top
% x=[30 80 70 120]+200; y=[30 1 250 200];
% I=bitmapplot(xyIstruct(‘FillColor‘[1 0 0 0.5]‘Color‘[1 0 0 1]));
% lines={‘Plot Test‘‘BitmapPlot version 1.2‘};
% % Plot text into background image
% I=bitmaptext(linesI[1 1]struct(‘Color‘[1 1 1 1]));
% % Show the bitmap
% figure imshow(I);
% Function is written by D.Kroon University of Twente (April 2009)
% Process inputs
defaultoptions=struct(‘Color‘[0 0 1 1]‘FillColor‘[]‘LineWidth‘1‘Grid‘[]‘MarkerColor‘[1 0 0 1]‘Marker‘[]‘MarkerSize‘6);
tags = fieldnames(defaultoptions);
for i=1:length(tags)
if(~isfield(optionstags{i})) options.(tags{i})=defaultoptions.(tags{i}); end
warning(‘register_images:unknownoption‘‘unknown options found‘);
% The function works with double values (store class for ouput)
% x and y to row vectors
x=round(x(:))‘; y=round(y(:))‘;
% Make line marker an fill bitmap
I_line=zeros([size(Ibackground1) size(Ibackground2)]);
I_marker=zeros([size(Ibackground1) size(Ibac
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