% General subspace identification
% -------------------------------
% The algorithm ‘subid‘ identifies deterministic stochastic
% as well as combined state space systems from IO data.
% [ABCDKR] = subid(yui);
% Inputs:
% y: matrix of measured outputs
% u: matrix of measured inputs
% for stochastic systems u = []
% i: number of block rows in Hankel matrices
% (i * #outputs) is the max. order that can be estimated
% Typically: i = 2 * (max order)/(#outputs)
% Outputs:
% ABCDKR: combined state space system
% x_{k+1) = A x_k + B u_k + K e_k
% y_k = C x_k + D u_k + e_k
% cov(e_k) = R
% For deterministic systems: K = R = []
% For stochastic systems: B = D = []
% Optional:
% [ABCDKRAUXss] = subid(yuinAUXWsil);
% n: optional order estimate (default [])
% if not given the user is prompted for the order
% AUX: optional auxilary variable to increase speed (default [])
% W: optional weighting flag
% SV: Singular values based algorithm
% (default for systems with input u)
% CVA: Canonical variate based algorithm
% (default for systems without input u)
% ss: column vector with singular values
% sil: when equal to 1 no text output is generated
% Example:
% [ABCDKRAUX] = subid(yu102);
% for k=3:6
% [ABCD] = subid(yu10kAUX);
% end
% Reference:
% Subspace Identification for Linear Systems
% Theory - Implementation - Applications
% Peter Van Overschee / Bart De Moor
% Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996
% Stochastic algorithm: Figure 3.13 page 90 (positive)
% Combined algorithm: Figure 4.8 page 131 (robust)
% Copyright:
% Peter Van Overschee December 1995
% peter.vanoverschee@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
function [ABCDKRoAUXss] = subid(yuinAUXinWsil);
if (nargin < 7);sil = 0;end
mydisp(sil‘ ‘);
mydisp(sil‘ Subspace Identification‘);
mydisp(sil‘ -----------------------‘);
% Check the arguments
if (nargin < 3);error(‘subid needs at least three arguments‘);end
if (nargin < 4);n = [];end
if (nargin < 5);AUXin = [];end
% Check if its deterministic or stochastic ID
if (u == []); ds_flag = 2; % Stochastic
else; ds_flag = 1; % Deterministic
% Give W its default value
if (nargin < 6);W = [];end
if (W == [])
if (ds_flag == 1); W = ‘SV‘; % Deterministic: default to SV
else; W = ‘CVA‘;end % Stochastic: default to CVA
% Turn the data into row vectors and c
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