经典教程《Digital Watermarking and Steganography》的配套源码,对数字水印方向的学者来说绝对是个很好的学习资料,其中所包含的水印技术都是通用算法,适合图像,语音和视频等通用方向。电子版书籍见我的其他资源

E_BLIND -- embed a watermark by simply adding a message pattern
c -- image to be watermarked(changed in place)
width -- width of image
height -- height of image
m -- one-bit message to embed
alpha -- embedding strength
wr -- refrence pattern(width*height array of doubles)
Return value:
void E_BLIND( unsigned char *c int width int height
int m double alpha double *wr )
static double wm[ MAX_IMG_SIZE ]; /*pattern that encodes m*/
/*Encode the massage in a pattern*/
ModulateOneBit( m wr wm width heigth );
/*Scale and add pattern to image(with clipping and rounding)*/
AddScaledPattern( c width height alpha wm );
D_LC -- detect watermarks using linear correlation
c -- image
width -- width of img
height -- height of img
tlc -- detection threshold
wr -- reference pattern(width by height array of doubles)
Return value:
decoded message(0 or 1) or NO_WMK if no watermark is found
int D_LC( unsigned char *c int width int height
double tlc double *wr )
double lc; /*linear correlation*/
int m; /*decoded message(or NO_WMK)
/*Find the linear correlation between the image and the reference pattern */
lc = ImgPatInnerProduct( c wr width height ) / ( width * height );
/*Decode the massage*/
if( lc > tlc )
m = 1;
else if(lc < -tlc)
m = 0;
m = NO_WMK;;
return m;
ModulateOneBit -- encode a 1-bit message by either copying or negating
a given reference pattern
m -- message to be encoded
wr -- reference pattern
wm -- where to store resulting message pattern
width -- width of wm
height -- height of wm
Return value:
void ModulateOneBit( int m double *wr double *wm
int width int height )
int i; /*index into patterns*/
if( m == 0 )
for( i = 0; i < width * height; i = i + 1 )
wm[ i ] = -wr[ i ];
for( i = 0; i < width * height; i = i + 1)
wm[ i ] = wr[ i ];
AddScaledPattern -- scale and add a pattern to an image with clipping
and rounding
This multiplies w by alpha to obtain the added pattern and adds it to the
image clipping and rounding each pixel to an 8-bit integer.
c -- imge to which to add pattern(changed in place)
width -- width of image
height -- height of image
alpha -- scaling factor_
w -- pattern to scace a
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 4588 2017-05-05 20:05 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C1 E_BLIND & D_LC.c
文件 12980 2017-05-05 10:33 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C10 E_LATTICE & D_LATTICE.c
文件 5918 2017-05-03 22:34 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C11 E_BLIND_D_WHITE.cpp
文件 1943 2017-05-03 22:21 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C12 E_BLK_BLIND_D_WHITE_BLK_CC.cpp
文件 15262 2017-05-05 17:08 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C13 E_PERC_GSGALE_D_LC.cpp
文件 5035 2017-05-05 17:08 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C14 E_PERC_SHAPE_LC.cpp
文件 2532 2017-05-05 17:07 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C15 E_PERC_OPT_D_LC.cpp
文件 937 2017-05-07 11:21 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C16 E_MOD & D_LC.cpp
文件 18780 2017-05-07 11:29 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C17 E_DCTQ & D_DCTQ.cpp
文件 7069 2017-05-07 11:31 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C18 E_SFSIG & D_SFSIG.cpp
文件 4456 2017-05-07 11:31 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C19 E_PXL & D_PXL.cpp
文件 2372 2017-05-07 15:06 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C2 E_FIXED_LC & D_LC.c
文件 13110 2017-05-05 20:11 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C3 E_BLK_BLIND & D_BLK_CC.c
文件 7498 2017-05-05 20:11 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C4 E_SIMPLE_8 & D_SIMPLE_8.c
文件 8301 2017-05-05 20:11 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C5 E_TRELLIS_8 & D_TRELLIS_8.c
文件 2416 2017-05-03 20:18 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C6 E_BLK_8 & D_BLK_8.c
文件 5255 2017-05-04 20:34 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C7 E_BLK_FIXED_CC & D_BLK_CC.c
文件 4759 2017-05-03 21:50 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C8 E_BLK_FIXED_R & D_BLK_CC.c
文件 5501 2017-05-04 20:40 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\C9 E_DIRTY_PAPER & D_DIRTY_PAPER.c
文件 38064 2018-04-19 21:32 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)\数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book).rar
目录 0 2018-04-22 18:20 数字水印书本源码(Source code for digital watermarking book)
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166776 21
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- 信息隐藏与数字水印
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- 信息隐藏研究与发展综述
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