(The background of the gaussian mixture model reduction division and adjacent frame differential method for target detection with the program, enclosing video)

% This m-file implements the mixture of Gaussians algorithm for background
% subtraction. It may be used free of charge for any purpose (commercial
% or otherwise) as long as the author (Seth Benton) is acknowledged.
clear all
% source = aviread(‘C:\Video\Source\traffic\san_fran_traffic_30sec_QVGA‘);
source = aviread(‘SampleVideo.avi‘);
% ----------------------- frame size variables -----------------------
fr = source(1).cdata; % read in 1st frame as background frame
fr_bw = rgb2gray(fr); % convert background to greyscale
fr_size = size(fr);
width = fr_size(2);
height = fr_size(1);
fg = zeros(height width);
bg_bw = zeros(height width);
% --------------------- mog variables -----------------------------------
C = 3; % number of gaussian components (typically 3-5)
M = 3; % number of background components
D = 2.5; % positive deviation threshold
alpha = 0.01; % learning rate (between 0 and 1) (from paper 0.01)
thresh = 0.25; % foreground threshold (0.25 or 0.75 in paper)
sd_init = 6; % initial standard deviation (for new components) var = 36 in paper
w = zeros(heightwidthC); % initialize weights array
mean = zeros(heightwidthC); % pixel means
sd = zeros(heightwidthC); % pixel standard deviations
u_diff = zeros(heightwidthC); % difference of each pixel from mean
p = alpha/(1/C); % initial p variable (used to update mean and sd)
rank = zeros(1C); % rank of components (w/sd)
% --------------------- initialize component means and weights -----------
pixel_depth = 8; % 8-bit resolution
pixel_range = 2^pixel_depth -1; % pixel range (# of possible values)
for i=1:height
for j=1:width
for k=1:C
mean(ijk) = rand*pixel_range; % means random (0-255)
w(ijk) = 1/C; % weights uniformly dist
sd(ijk) = sd_init; % initialize to sd_init
%--------------------- process frames -----------------------------------
for n = 1:length(source)
fr = source(n).cdata; % read in frame
fr_bw = rgb2gray(fr); % convert frame to grayscale
% calculate difference of pixel values from mean
for m=1:C
u_diff(::m) = abs(double(fr_bw) - double(mean(::m)));
% update gaussian components for each pixel
for i=1:height
for j=1:width
match = 0;
for k=1:C
if (abs(u_diff(ijk)) <= D*sd(ijk)) % pixel matches component
match = 1;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6138 2011-04-18 15:56 mixture_of_gaussians.m
文件 638976 2005-03-14 13:59 SampleVideo.avi
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
645114 2
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