
function q = dcm2quatern(R)
%Function to extract a quaternion from a DCM of size (33n).
%Method from Bar-Itzhack 2000
numR = size(R3);
q = zeros(numR 4);
K = zeros(44);
for i = 1:numR
K(11) = (1/3) * (R(11i) - R(22i) - R(33i));
K(12) = (1/3) * (R(21i) + R(12i));
K(13) = (1/3) * (R(31i) + R(13i));
K(14) = (1/3) * (R(23i) - R(32i));
K(21) = (1/3) * (R(21i) + R(12i));
K(22) = (1/3) * (R(22i) - R(11i) - R(33i));
K(23) = (1/3) * (R(32i) + R(23i));
K(24) = (1/3) * (R(31i) - R(13i));
K(31) = (1/3) * (R(31i) + R(13i));
K(32) = (1/3) * (R(32i) + R(23i));
K(33) = (1/3) * (R(33i) - R(11i) - R(22i));
K(34) = (1/3) * (R(12i) - R(21i));
K(41) = (1/3) * (R(23i) - R(32i));
K(42) = (1/3) * (R(31i) - R(13i));
K(43) = (1/3) * (R(12i) - R(21i));
K(44) = (1/3) * (R(11i) + R(22i) + R(33i));
[V~] = eig(K);
q(i:) = V(:4)‘;
q(i:) = [q(i4) q(i1) q(i2) q(i3)] ./ norm(q(i:));
%Check for continuity
if numR>1 && i>1
dq = sum(abs(q(i:) - q(i-1:)));
dqp = sum(abs(-q(i:) - q(i-1:)));
if dq > dqp
q(i:) = -q(i:);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\
文件 35141 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\LICENSE
文件 1280 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\README.md
文件 1401 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\dcm2quatern.m
文件 514 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\dcmRot.m
文件 368522 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\example_data.mat
文件 200385 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\example_data_v2.mat
文件 2317 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\get_orientation.m
文件 3756 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\get_orientation_compfilter.m
文件 3693 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\get_orientation_compfilter_quaternion.m
文件 3690 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\get_orientation_optim.m
文件 3726 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\get_orientation_optim_quaternion.m
文件 2148 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\get_orientation_quaternion.m
文件 2991 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\main_example.m
文件 216 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\quaternConj.m
文件 495 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\quaternProd.m
文件 545 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\quaternRot.m
文件 124 2016-09-03 17:11 IMU-orientation-master\skew.m
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