
% 1-D FDTD code with simple radiation boundary conditions
% Program author: Susan C. Hagness
% Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
% University of Wisconsin-Madison
% 1415 Engineering Drive
% Madison WI 53706-1691
% 608-265-5739
% hagness@engr.wisc.edu
% Date of this version: February 2000
% This MATLAB M-file implements the finite-difference time-domain
% solution of Maxwell‘s curl equations over a one-dimensional space
% lattice comprised of uniform grid cells.
% To illustrate the algorithm a sinusoidal wave (1GHz) propagating
% in a nonpermeable lossy medium (epsr=1.0 sigma=5.0e-3 S/m) is
% modeled. The simplified finite difference system for nonpermeable
% media (discussed in Section 3.6.6 of the text) is implemented.
% The grid resolution (dx = 1.5 cm) is chosen to provide 20
% samples per wavelength. The Courant factor S=c*dt/dx is set to
% the stability limit: S=1. In 1-D this is the “magic time step.“
% The computational domain is truncated using the simplest radiation
% boundary condition for wave propagation in free space:
% Ez(imaxn+1) = Ez(imax-1n)
% To execute this M-file type “fdtd1D“ at the MATLAB prompt.
% This M-file displays the FDTD-computed Ez and Hy fields at every
% time step and records those frames in a movie matrix M which is
% played at the end of the simulation using the “movie“ command.
% Fundamental constants
cc=2.99792458e8; %speed of light in free space
muz=4.0*pi*1.0e-7; %permeability of free space
epsz=1.0/(cc*cc*muz); %permittivity of free space
freq=1.0e+9; %frequency of source excitation
lambda=cc/freq; %wavelength of source excitation
% Grid parameters
ie=200; %number of grid cells in x-direction
dx=lambda/20.0; %space increment of 1-D lattice
dt=dx/cc; %time step
nmax=round(12.0e-9/dt); %total number of time steps
% Material parameters
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5465 2000-04-15 22:15 fdtd1D.m
文件 7828 2000-04-15 22:15 fdtd3D.m
文件 19909 2000-04-15 22:15 fdtd2D.m
文件 12264 2013-10-18 15:19 99266465SusanC.Hagness2D-FDTD-matlab.rar
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