#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys traceback re
__HAS_TK = 0
def print_msg(msg):
if __HAS_TK:
tkMessageBox.showinfo(“Information“ msg)
print msg
print msg
def print_err(msg):
if __HAS_TK:
tkMessageBox.showerror(“ERROR“ msg)
print msg
print msg
def exception ():
“““ This function handles any exception derived from Exception and
prints it out in a message box. Code merrily stolen from the
Thinking in Python site.“““
type value tb = sys.exc_info ()
info = traceback.extract_tb (tb)
filename lineno function text = info[-1] # last line only
print_err (“Exception: %s:%d: %s: %s (in %s)“ %\
(filename lineno type.__name__ str (value) function))
type = value = tb = None # clean up
print_msg(“Testing if Tkinter is available... “)
import Tkinter
except ImportError:
msg = “Sorry Tkinter does not appear to be available.\n“\
“Please check your Python installation. “\
“It is possible that you have not installed Tcl/Tk and Tkinter.“\
“Please visit http://www.python.org for more details.“
import tkMessageBox
print_msg(“OK - you have Tkinter“)
print_msg(“TclVersion = %s TkVersion = %s“%(Tkinter.TclVersion
__HAS_TK = 1
def test_vtk_cone():
import vtkpython
msg = “““Testing a sample vtk program. You should see a 300x300
pixel window with a black background and with a magenta coloured
Cone. You can interact with the cone using the mouse. To quit
the test press q on the window. If this test is successful then
the basic vtkpython installation is OK.“““
print_msg (re.sub(‘\s+‘ ‘ ‘ msg))
# create a rendering window and renderer
ren = vtkpython.vtkRenderer()
renWin = vtkpython.vtkRenderWindow()
iren = vtkpython.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
# create an actor and give it cone geometry
cone = vtkpython.vtkConeSource()
coneMapper = vtkpython.vtkPolyDataMapper()
coneActor = vtkpython.vtkActor()
coneActor.GetProperty ().SetColor (0.5 0.5 1.0)
# enable user interface interactor
def test_vtk_tk_render_widget(root):
import vtkpython
from vtkRenderWidget import vtkTkRenderWidget
msg = “““Testing a sample vtk program that uses the
vtkTkRenderWidget. You should see a 300x300 pixel window with a
black background and with a magenta coloured Cone. You can
interact with the cone using the mouse. To quit the test press q
on the window. If this test is successful then
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 9493933 2006-08-03 11:00 RSOFT7\help\bandsolve.chm
文件 3280334 2006-08-17 11:00 RSOFT7\help\beamprop.chm
文件 1057753 2006-08-01 11:00 RSOFT7\help\diffractmod.chm
文件 1038276 2006-08-03 11:00 RSOFT7\help\femsim.chm
文件 2244378 2006-08-21 11:00 RSOFT7\help\fullwave.chm
文件 1540878 2006-08-17 11:00 RSOFT7\help\gratingmod.chm
文件 83783 2006-08-21 11:00 RSOFT7\help\install.chm
文件 3686635 2006-04-05 13:48 RSOFT7\help\lasermod.chm
文件 4007645 2006-10-25 11:00 RSOFT7\help\most.chm
文件 725059 2005-06-24 11:00 RSOFT7\help\rsdatabrowser.chm
文件 1507255 2006-08-03 11:00 RSOFT7\help\rsoftcad.chm
文件 93361 2003-08-20 11:00 RSOFT7\help\winplot.chm
文件 208896 2003-07-16 10:00 RSOFT7\mpi\mpich\mpd\bin\mpd.exe
文件 81920 2003-07-16 10:00 RSOFT7\mpi\mpich\mpd\bin\mpiregister.exe
文件 297 2003-07-16 10:00 RSOFT7\mpi\mpich\readme.txt
文件 6845 2002-10-24 11:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\axes.mod
文件 4148 2004-11-18 08:52 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\axestemplate.mod
文件 12355 2003-10-29 09:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\bandsheets.mod
文件 6412 2002-10-24 11:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\bs2dvelfield.mod
文件 4610 2002-10-24 11:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\bs3dsurfmap.mod
文件 3820 2002-07-29 12:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\bsfft.dat
文件 1227 2005-10-13 10:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\bsfft64.dat
文件 4062 2002-10-24 11:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\bsoutline.mod
文件 5075 2005-12-12 13:48 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\isosurfopac25.mod
文件 4600 2003-11-19 09:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\lightconesheet.mod
文件 5195 2002-10-24 11:00 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\scalar3dtransparent.mod
文件 4663 2004-11-18 08:52 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\surfmapopac50.mod
文件 4670 2005-08-25 07:50 RSOFT7\products\bandsolve\surfmapopac50cont.mod
文件 386560 2000-06-11 11:00 RSOFT7\products\beamprop\router\ANrouterSup.doc
文件 427008 2001-10-07 11:00 RSOFT7\products\beamprop\router\AWG.doc
- Rsoft7 part2
- Rsoft7.1 part1
- RSOFT2013破解安装视频教程
- C.R.Paul Analysis of multiconductor transmissi
- RSoft光学仿真软件 免安装
- RSoft软件.part1.rar
- Rsoft/BeamProp最新破解版.part2
- Rsoft各个模块集合
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- FDTD学习资料
- Taflove的FDTD第三版附录的程序
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- 光纤sms单模-多模-单模结构rsoft仿真
- XFDTD 电磁场仿真软件
- 经典FDTD程序Taflove书随书光盘源代码
- 5种pml的边界条件
- FDTD_Solution入门
- TestFDTD0.rar
- Rsoft中文教程软件
- rsoft模拟光纤模式选择耦合器.ind
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