
function [USVnumiter] = FPC(nOmegabmu_finalmaxitertol)
% [USigmaVnumiter] = FPC(nOmegabmu_finalmaxitergtol)
% Finds mininum mu ||X||_* + 1/2 || A(X) - b ||_2^2
% where A(X) is the projection of X onto the set of indices
% in Omega.
% For efficiency the algorithm uses continuation (i.e. a series of
% mu aka the “outer loop“) until mu = mu_final.
% maxiter controls maximum number of iterations per inner loop
% Outputs:
% UV and Sigma are singular vectors and singular values where
% X = U*Sigma*V‘
% numiter is the number of iterations over all inner and outer loops
% Reference:
% “Fixed point and Bregman iterative methods for matrix
% rank minimization.“
% Shiquian Ma Donald Goldfarb Lifeng Chen October 2008
% ftp://ftp.math.ucla.edu/pub/camreport/cam08-78.pdf
% code by Stephen Becker srbecker@caltech.edu March 2009
% May 2009: adding support for complex matrices
% -- some parameters:
tau = 1.99; % recommended that tau is between 1 and 2
eta_mu = 1/4; % how much to decrease mu at every step
%VERBOSE = false; % no output
VERBOSE = 1; % a little bit of output
VERBOSE = 2; % even more output
if nargin < 6 || isempty(tol)
tol = 1e-4;
if nargin < 5 || isempty(maxiter)
maxiter = 500;
if length(n) == 1
n1 = n(1); n2 = n1;
elseif length(n) == 2
n1 = n(1); n2 = n(2);
if n1*n2 < 100*100
X = zeros(n1n2);
m = length(Omega); [tempindx] = sort(Omega);
incre = 5;
r = 1; s = r + 1; % estimate new rank
normb = norm(b);
[i j] = ind2sub([n1n2] Omega);
G = sparse(ijbn1n2m); % i.e. starting with X = 0;
mu = normest( G 1e-2 );
% What the best way to multiply a sparse matrix?
[forwardType transposeType] = findBestMultiply(G.2);
U = zeros(n11);
V = zeros(n21);
S = 0;
relResid = 2;
if VERBOSE fprintf(‘**************************************\n‘); end
numiter = 0;
while mu > mu_final
mu = max(mu * eta_mumu_final);
if VERBOSE fprintf(‘FPC mu = %f\n‘mu); end
if VERBOSE == 1 fprintf(‘\tIteration: ‘); end
s = 2*r + 1; % estimate new rank for next iteration
for k = 1:maxiter
numiter = numiter + 1;
if VERBOSE==1 fprintf(‘\b\b\b\b%4d‘k); end
% Make routines for multiplying by a sparse matrix
Gt = G‘;
switch forwardType
case 1 Gforward = @(x) G*x;
case 2 Gforward = @(x) Gt‘*x;
case 3 Gforward = @(x) smvp(Gx);
switch transposeType
case 1 Gtranspose = @(x) Gt*x;
case 2 Gtranspose = @(x) G‘*x;
case 3 Gtranspose = @(x) smvp(Gtx);
% Y = X - tau*G
Y = @(x) U*(S*(V‘*x)) - tau*Gforward(x);
Yt= @(x) V*(S*(U‘*x)) - tau*Gtranspose(x);
% Perform a SVD
[USigmaV] = svd(full(X - tau*G)‘econ‘);
OK = 0;
while ~OK
opts = [];
if ~isreal(G) opts.eta = 1e-16; end
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5167 2009-05-27 23:03 FPC.m
文件 7348 2011-04-20 19:55 SVT.m
文件 4091 2009-10-03 02:00 Test_SVT.m
文件 986 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.m
文件 9263 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexa64
文件 4686 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr_mex.c
文件 14563 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexglx
文件 13200 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexmac
文件 9261 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexmaci
文件 9152 2011-04-25 16:39 private\bdsqr.mexmaci64
文件 25208 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexsg
文件 26109 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexsg64
文件 95852 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexsol
文件 56832 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexw32
文件 57344 2010-01-25 05:26 private\bdsqr.mexw64
文件 1504 2010-01-25 05:26 private\compute_int.m
文件 1346 2010-01-25 05:26 private\dbdqr.c
文件 445 2009-02-22 02:15 private\dbdqr.f
文件 2160 2010-01-25 05:26 private\findBestMultiply.m
文件 4124 2011-04-25 16:48 private\install_mex.m
文件 23704 2010-01-25 05:26 private\lanbpro.m
文件 12309 2010-01-25 05:26 private\lansvd.m
文件 173 2010-01-25 05:26 private\mexHelper.m
文件 939 2010-01-25 05:26 private\refinebounds.m
文件 4433 2010-01-25 05:26 private\reorth.c
文件 2906 2010-01-25 05:26 private\reorth_complex.m
文件 3580 2009-03-04 22:44 private\reorth.f
文件 2714 2010-01-25 05:26 private\reorth.m
文件 9332 2010-01-25 05:26 private\reorth.mexa64
文件 4991 2010-01-25 05:26 private\reorth_mex.c
文件 16160 2010-01-25 05:26 private\reorth.mexglx
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