
function [yprime params resnorm residual] = lorentzfit(xyp0boundsnparams)
% LORENTZFIT fits a single- or multi-parameter Lorentzian function to data
% LORENTZFIT(XY) returns YPRIME(X) a Lorentzian fit to the data
% found using LSQCURVEFIT. The function Y(X) is fit by the model:
% YPRIME(X) = P1./((X - P2).^2 + P3) + C.
% values in addition to fit-parameters PARAMS = [P1 P2 P3 C]. The RESNORM
% and RESIDUAL outputs from LSQCURVEFIT are also returned.
% [...] = LORENTZFIT(XYP0) can be used to provide starting
% values (P0 = [P01 P02 P03 C0]) for the parameters in PARAMS.
% [...] = LORENTZFIT(XYP0BOUNDS) may be used to define lower
% and upper bounds for the possbile values for each parameter in PARAMS.
% BOUNDS = [LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4;
% UB1 UB2 UB3 UB4].
% If the user does not wish to manually define values for P0 it may be
% enetered as an empty matrix P0 = []. In this case default values will
% be used. The default bounds for all parameters are (-InfInf).
% [...] = LORENTZFIT(XYP0BOUNDSNPARAMS) may be used to specify the
% number of parameters used in the Lorentzian fitting function. The
% number of parameters defined in P0 and BOUNDS must match the function
% specified by NPARAMS. If the user does not wish to manually define
% values for P0 or BOUNDS both may be enetered as empty matricies:
% P0 = []; BOUNDS = [].
% -NPARAMS options
% ‘1‘ - Single parameter Lorentzian (no constant term)
% L1(X) = 1./(P1(X.^2 + 1))
% ‘1c‘ - Single parameter Lorentzian (with constant term)
% L1C(X) = 1./(P1(X.^2 + 1)) + C
% ‘2‘ - Two parameter Lorentzian (no constant term)
% L2(X) = P1./(X.^2 + P2)
% ‘2c‘ - Two parameter Lorentzian (with constant term)
% L2C(X) = P1./(X.^2 + P2) + C
% ‘3‘ - Three parameter Lorentzian (no constant term)
% L3(X) = P1./((X - P2).^2 + P3)
% [DEFAULT] ‘3c‘ - Three parameter Lorentzian (with constant term)
% L3C(X) = P1./((X - P2).^2 + P3) + C
% X and Y must be the same size numeric and non-complex. P0 and BOUNDS
% must also be numeric and non-complex. NPARAMS is a character array.
% Examples:
% x = -16:0.1:35;
% y = 19.4./((x - 7).^2 + 15.8) + randn(size(x))./10;
% [yprime1 params1 resnorm1 residual1] = lorentzfit(xy[20 10 15 0]);
% figure; plot(xy‘b.‘‘LineWidth‘2)
% hold on; plot(xyprime1‘r-‘‘LineWidth‘2)
% [yprime2 params2 resnorm2 residual2] = lorentzfit(xy[][]‘3‘);
% figure; plot(xy‘b.‘‘LineWidth‘2)
% hold on; plot(xyprime2‘r-‘‘LineWidth‘2)
% See also: lsqcurvefit.
% Jered R Wells
% 11/15/11
% jered [dot
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文件 10577 2012-04-17 14:04 lorentzfit.m
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