// Graphing functions for OpenCV. Part of “ImageUtils.cpp“ a set of handy utility functions for dealing with images in OpenCV.
// by Shervin Emami (http://www.shervinemami.co.cc/) on 20th May 2010.
#define USE_HIGHGUI // Enable this to display graph windows using OpenCV‘s HighGUI. (Supports Windows Linux & Mac but not iPhone).
// OpenCV
#ifndef UCHAR
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
#include “GraphUtils.h“
// Graphing functions
const CvScalar BLACK = CV_RGB(000);
const CvScalar WHITE = CV_RGB(255255255);
const CvScalar GREY = CV_RGB(150150150);
int countGraph = 0; // Used by ‘getGraphColor()‘
CvScalar customGraphColor;
int usingCustomGraphColor = 0;
// Get a new color to draw graphs. Will use the latest custom color or change between blue green red dark-blue dark-green and dark-red until a new image is created.
CvScalar getGraphColor(void)
if (usingCustomGraphColor) {
usingCustomGraphColor = 0;
return customGraphColor;
switch (countGraph) {
case 1: return CV_RGB(6060255); // light-blue
case 2: return CV_RGB(6025560); // light-green
case 3: return CV_RGB(2556040); // light-red
case 4: return CV_RGB(0210210); // blue-green
case 5: return CV_RGB(1802100); // red-green
case 6: return CV_RGB(2100180); // red-blue
case 7: return CV_RGB(00185); // dark-blue
case 8: return CV_RGB(01850); // dark-green
case 9: return CV_RGB(18500); // dark-red
countGraph = 0; // start rotating through colors again.
return CV_RGB(200200200); // grey
// Call ‘setGraphColor()‘ to reset the colors that will be used for graphs.
void setGraphColor(int index)
countGraph = index;
usingCustomGraphColor = 0; // dont use a custom color.
// Specify the exact color that the next graph should be drawn as.
void setCustomGraphColor(int R int B int G)
customGraphColor = CV_RGB(R G B);
usingCustomGraphColor = 1; // show that it will be used.
// Draw the graph of an array of floats into imageDst or a new image between minV & maxV if given.
// Remember to free the newly created image if imageDst is not given.
IplImage* drawFloatGraph(const float *arraySrc int nArrayLength IplImage *imageDst float minV float maxV int width int height char *graphLabel bool showScale)
int w = width;
int h = height;
int b = 10; // border around graph within the image
if (w <= 20)
w = nArrayLength + b*2; // width of the image
if (h
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 14810 2011-04-11 12:16 GraphUtils.cpp
文件 3894 2010-06-02 00:40 GraphUtils.h
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