
#>>>>>>>> Cutting Border Functions <<<<<<<<<<#
# Cordeiro Libel - UTFPR - 2017 #
#My libraries
from commons import *
# Find the largest contour
def largestCnt(contours):
area = 0
largest_cnt = 0
for cnt in contours:
cnt_area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
if cnt_area > area:
area = cnt_area
largest_cnt = cnt
return largest_cnt
# Simplify points in 4 points O(sqrt(n)) n:number of points
#Calculate the best four points is expensive.
#So we indenfy the best points in a samples of all points.
#As soon we look around this sample and find the best point.
# . . . . . . . . . . . .
# ^ ^ ^
# |__jump___|__jump___|
def findCorner(pointsx_maxy_max):
four_points = np.array([[00][00][00][00]])
size = points.size/2
#the cost function is C(samples) = samples+2*jump-1 for jump = (size-1)/samples
#the minimal of the cost is dC(samples)/dsamples = 1-2*(size-1)*samples^-2 = 0 so samples = 1+sqrt(2*(size-1))
#samples: number of samples for the aproximate the minimal and maximal element
samples = toInt(np.sqrt(2*(size-1)))
jump = 1.0*(size-1)/samples
#====The first look (2 points)
amin = 1000000
amax = -1000000
for i in range(samples+1):
index = toInt(i*jump)
val = points[index][0]+points[index][1]
if val #save point closer NW vertice
n_min = index
amin = val
if val>amax:
#save point closer SE vertice
n_max = index
amax = val
four_points[0] = points[n_min]
four_points[3] = points[n_max]
#====The Second look (2 points) around the n_min and n_max
for i in range(toInt(2*jump)-1):
index = (n_min - toInt(jump) + 1 + i)%size
val = points[index][0]+points[index][1]
if val #save point closer NW vertice
four_points[0] = points[index]
amin = val
index = (n_max - toInt(jump) + 1 + i)%size
val = points[index][0]+points[index][1]
if val>amax:
#save point closer SE vertice
four_points[3] = points[index]
amax = val
#====The first look (more 2 points)
amin = 1000000
amax = -1000000
for i in range(samples+1):
index = toInt(i*jump)
val = points[index][0]-points[index][1]
if val #save point closer SW vertice
n_min = index
amin = val
if val>amax:
#save point closer NE vertice
n_max = index
amax = val
four_points[2] = points[n_min]
four_points[1] = points[n_max]
#====The Second look (2 points) around the n_min and n_max
for i in range(toInt(2*jump)-1):
index = (n_min - toInt(jump) + 1 + i)%size
val = points[index][0]-points[index][1]
if val #save point closer SW vertice
four_points[2] = points[index]
amin = val
index = (n_max - toInt(jump) + 1 + i)%size
val = points[index][0]-points[index][1]
if val>amax:
#save point closer NE vertice
four_points[1] = points[index]
amax = val
return four_points
def cutBorder(img fix_size = True size = SIDE inv = False draw = Falsefour_points = None return_four_
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\
文件 37 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\.gitignore
文件 415 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\README.md
文件 4750 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\border.py
文件 2456 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\camera.py
文件 3219 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\classify.py
文件 5497 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\commons.py
文件 1063 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\dadosLoad.py
文件 2385 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\dadosSave.py
文件 8572 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\identify.py
文件 3927 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\interface.py
文件 1284 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\main.py
文件 2361 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\main2.py
文件 902 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\photos.py
文件 594 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\randImgs.py
文件 6814 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\servo.py
文件 3367 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\set_servos.py
文件 2336 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\test_servos.py
文件 61636 2017-09-25 22:53 imgClassification-master\treino.out
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