
// Copyright (c) Philips Semiconductors Gratkorn
// (C)PHILIPS Electronics N.V.2000
// All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is
// prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.
// Philips reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time.
// Philips makes no warranty expressed implied or statutory including but
// not limited to any implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for any
//particular purpose or that the use will not infringe any third party patent
// copyright or trademark. Philips must not be liable for any loss or damage
// arising from its use.
#define DLL_EXPORT // library source module definition
// M O D U L E D E F I N I T I O N
// COMMENT: This library module is modified from the original source code for a
// microcontroller C164 CI to suit the general purpose 8051 mcu.
// The source can be ported to other platforms very easily.
// The communication channel to the RC500 reader IC is assumed to be
// unknown. All data is written with the generic IO functions
// of the module ReaderIO.h. In our case the reader module is
// connected via memory mapped io at base address 0x7f00.
// The interrupt pin of the reader IC is assumed to be connected to
// the fast external interrupt pin INT0# (active low) and the reset
// pin of the reader IC should be connected to a dedicated port pin
// (Port3: Pin: 3).
// In this configuration a reset of the reader module is independend
// from the reset of the microcontroller.
// In order to generate communication timeouts
// general purpose timer 2 of the microcontroller is used. This
// timer need not to be initialised in advance. Before every usage
// the timer is completely initialised in each function.
// Non of the timers is essential for the functionality of the reader
// module but are helpful furing software development. All protocoll
// relevant timing constraints are generated
// by the internal timer of the reader module.
// Some explanations to the programming method of this library.
// There are three kind of functions coded in this module.
// a) internal functions which have no prototypes in a header
// file and
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 33134 2001-09-06 09:26 MFRC500\code\M500A.h
文件 71728 2002-06-21 10:31 MFRC500\code\M500AuC.c
文件 105223 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\M500AuC.LST
文件 100662 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\M500AuC.OBJ
文件 15258 2002-06-21 11:13 MFRC500\code\main.c
文件 8487 2002-12-19 10:59 MFRC500\code\main.h
文件 23067 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\main.LST
文件 31390 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\main.OBJ
文件 5021 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\MfErrNo.h
文件 15580 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\MfRc500.h
文件 15580 2002-08-27 14:46 MFRC500\code\MfRc500.h..txt
文件 26542 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\MFRC500.hex
文件 76 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\MFRC500.lnp
文件 95092 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\MFRC500.M51
文件 128645 2006-04-18 12:04 MFRC500\code\MFRC500.OMF
文件 176 2006-04-26 10:53 MFRC500\code\MFRC500.OMF.plg
文件 2344 2006-04-26 10:52 MFRC500\code\MFRC500.Opt
文件 2161 2006-04-17 17:47 MFRC500\code\MFRC500.Uv2
文件 10816 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\MfRc500Reg.h
文件 47753 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\mfrc500uc.c
文件 2340 2006-04-24 12:57 MFRC500\code\MFRC500_Opt.Bak
文件 1902 2002-06-20 17:32 MFRC500\code\MFRC500_Uv2.Bak
文件 8758 2001-06-06 07:31 MFRC500\code\Mfreg500.h
文件 6122 1999-05-12 13:17 MFRC500\code\P89C51RX.H
文件 6387 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\PcdShared.c
文件 3297 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\PcdShared.h
文件 15433 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\PcdUtils.c
文件 5100 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\PcdUtils.h
文件 3083 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\RcCommunication.C
文件 4145 2002-08-27 15:09 MFRC500\code\RcCommunication.H
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