This setup consists of an Electric Dynamometer which applies a load to the Unit Under Test (engine). The Electric Dyno is controlled using an analog output signal which is amplified by the Dyno Load Controller. The Load Cell connected to the Electric Dyno is used to read the developed torque. The Engine speed is controlled using an analog output - this output value is determined by the PID controller. The Throttle Controller amplifies the PID output to run the Engine. Thermocouples mounted on the engine read temperatures. The Magnetic Pickup on the engine outputs a frequency which is converted to RPM. Signals are conditioned using SCXI modules before they are Acquired by the DAQ board in the PC.
Before running this application, you must first create DAQmx Global Virtual Channels and scales that correlate raw sensor values such as volts to physical quantities such as temperature. For more specific information please refer to the help in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).

属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 4750027 2013-08-29 17:03 dynocode_daqmx.llb
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4750027 1
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文件 4750027 2013-08-29 17:03 dynocode_daqmx.llb
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4750027 1
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