老外编的kriging插值 老外编的kriging插值 老外编的kriging插值 老外编的kriging插值

function [zis2zi] = kriging(vstructxyzxiyichunksize)
% interpolation with ordinary kriging in two dimensions
% Syntax:
% [zizivar] = kriging(vstructxyzxiyi)
% [zizivar] = kriging(vstructxyzxiyichunksize)
% Description:
% kriging uses ordinary kriging to interpolate a variable z measured at
% locations with the coordinates x and y at unsampled locations xi yi.
% The function requires the variable vstruct that contains all
% necessary information on the variogram. vstruct is the forth output
% argument of the function variogramfit.
% This is a rudimentary but easy to use function to perform a simple
% kriging interpolation. I call it rudimentary since it always includes
% ALL observations to estimate values at unsampled locations. This may
% not be necessary when sample locations are not within the
% autocorrelation range but would require something like a k nearest
% neighbor search algorithm or something similar. Thus the algorithms
% works best for relatively small numbers of observations (100-500).
% For larger numbers of observations I recommend the use of GSTAT.
% Note that kriging fails if there are two or more observations at one
% location or very very close to each other. This may cause that the
% system of equation is badly conditioned. Currently I use the
% pseudo-inverse (pinv) to come around this problem. If you have better
% ideas please let me know.
% Input arguments:
% vstruct structure array with variogram information as returned
% variogramfit (forth output argument)
% xy coordinates of observations
% z values of observations
% xiyi coordinates of locations for predictions
% chunksize nr of elements in zi that are processed at one time.
% The default is 100 but this depends largely on your
% available main memory and numel(x).
% Output arguments:
% zi kriging predictions
% zivar kriging variance
% Example:
% % create random field with autocorrelation
% [XY] = meshgrid(0:500);
% Z = randn(size(X));
% Z = imfilter(Zfspecial(‘gaussian‘[40 40]8));
% % sample the field
% n = 500;
% x = rand(n1)*500;
% y = rand(n1)*500;
% z = interp2(XYZxy);
% % plot the random field
% subplot(221)
% imagesc(X(1:)Y(:1)Z); axis image; axis xy
% hold on
% plot(xy‘.k‘)
% title(‘random field with sampling locations‘)
% % calculate the sample variogram
% v = variogram([x y]z‘plotit‘false‘maxdist‘100);
% % and fit a spherical variogram
% subplot(222)
% [dumdumdumvstruct] = variogramfit(v.distancev.val[][][]‘model‘‘stable‘);
% title(‘variogram‘)
% % now use the sampled locations in a kriging
% [ZhatZvar] = kriging(vstructxyzXY);
% subplot(223)
% imagesc(X(1:)Y(:1)Zhat); axis
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2014-08-28 21:29 kriging-master\
文件 117862 2014-08-28 21:29 kriging-master\kriging.jpg
文件 6165 2014-08-28 21:29 kriging-master\kriging.m
文件 1320 2014-08-28 21:29 kriging-master\license.txt
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