
/* gei825xxVxbEnd.c - Intel PRO/1000 VxBus END driver */
* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 2011 Wind River Systems Inc.
* The right to copy distribute modify or otherwise make use
* of this software may be licensed only pursuant to the terms
* of an applicable Wind River license agreement.
modification history
02u08dec11dee Fix static overrun WIND00322145
02t02aug10wap Add support for additional ICH and 82580 fiber devices
02s29jul10jjk WIND00225711 - Fixing a bug for the 82567V3 chipset.
02r03jun10wap Workaround for 82543 TBI compatibility issue requires that
CRC stripping not be enabled for copper 82543.
02q26may10wap Avoid using hard coded PHY addresses in geiReset()
02p29apr10wap avoid allowing PHY SW reset or power down. (WIND00204423)
02o23oct09wap Add support for more 82576 devices 82580 dual and quad port
MACs and PCH integrated MACs. Also make sure to clear TBI
link reset bit when coming out of reset (WIND00187458)
add support for 82567V3 device add support for 82574
02n02sep09wap Work around interrupt handling issues on simulated PRO/1000
devices in VMware and similar systems (WIND00182689)
02m01sep09wap Correct multicast filter programming code (WIND00179790)
02l14jul09mdk merge from networking branch
02k03jun09wap Make sure RX DMA ring is totally drained
02j26apr09wap Add support for 82574 on Apple Mac Pro and 82583 simplify
interrupt handling disable/enable RX VLAN tag extraction
as needed in EIOCSIFCAP ioctl
02i05mar09wap Make sure PAYLEN is specified correctly on big-endian
targets set RX buffer size correctly when using jumbo frames
on advanced class devices fix support for ICH8 devices.
01r04dec08dlk Lessen 82573 RX ISR latency (WIND00146698). Also
back out ISR/task synchronization changes for WIND00125287.
02h27feb09wap Add support for 82576
02g19feb09wap Work around EEPROM loading issue on vmware add support for
ICH8 ICH9 and ICH10 devices.
02f17nov08dlk If miiBusIdleErrorCheck() reports idle errors in
geilinkUpdate() mark the current link status inactive.
02e02sep08wap Add code to work around intermittent autonegotiation
failures with some devices (82541 82571 82575)
02d20aug08b_m correct geiMiiPhyRead/geiMiiPhyWrite for tolapai.
02c24jul08wap Remember to copy CSUM_IPHDR_OFFSET state to newly allocated
mBlk in geiEndSend() set TDESC_RPS bit in TX descriptors
for 82543 and 82544 devices to avoid a TX stall under
high load
02b16jul08wap Correct geiEndTbdClean() for advanced devices remove
redundant code from geiEndAdvRxHandle() add support
for Tolapai and ES2LAN devices
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 194537 2015-05-23 15:46 gei825xxVxbEnd.c
文件 55155 2015-05-23 15:46 gei825xxVxbEnd.h
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
249692 2
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