function [ABCD]=era(hnNTsdef);
% Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA)
% Author: Samuel da Silva - UNICAMP
% e-mail: samsilva@fem.unicamp.br
% Date: 2006/10/20
% [ABCD]=era(hnNTsdef);
% Inputs:
% h: discrete-time impulse response
% n: order of the system
% N: number of samples to assembly the Hankel matrix
% Ts: sample time
% def: if = 1: the output will be the discrete-time state-space model
% if = 2: the output will be the continuous-time state-space model
% Otputs:
% [ABCD]: state-space model
% Note: For now it works to SISO systems and it is necessary the control toolbox
% References: Juang J. N. and Phan M. Q. “Identification and Control of
% Mechanical Systems“ Cambridge University Press 2001
% Hankel matrix
H0 = hankel(h(2:N+1)); % k = 0
H1 = hankel(h(3:N+2)); % k = 1;
% Factorization of the Hankel matrix by use of SVD
[RSigmaS] = svd(H0);
% R and S are orthonormal and Sigma is a rectangular matrix
Sigman = Sigma(1:n1:n);
Wo = R(:1:n)*Sigman^0.5; % observability matrix
Co = Sigman^.5*S(:1:n)‘; % controllability matrix
% The identified system matrix are:
A = Sigman^-.5*R(:1:n)‘*H1*S(:1:n)*Sigman^-.5; % dynamic matrix
B = Co(:1); % input matrix
C = Wo(1:); % output matrix
D = h(1); % direct-transmission matrix
sysdisc = ss(ABCDTs); % discrete-time system
if def == 2
syscont = d2c(sysdisc‘zoh‘); % Conversion of discrete LTI models to continuous time
[ABCD]=ssdata(syscont); % continuous system
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 1840 2018-07-11 20:25 era.m
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