可以使用MCU生成PDF格式文件,采用C 语言方式,方便移植
#include “pdfgen.h“
int main(int argc char *argv[])
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struct pdf_doc *pdf = pdf_create(PDF_A4_WIDTH PDF_A4_HEIGHT &info);
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“This is a great big long string that I hope will wrap properly “
“around several lines.\nI‘ve put some embedded line breaks in to “
“see how it copes with them. Hopefully it all works properly.\n\n\n“
“We even include multiple breaks\n“
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pdf_add_text(pdf NULL “This one has a new line in it\nThere it was“ 10 50 80 PDF_RGB(0 0 0));
pdf_add_text(pdf NULL “This is a really long line that will go off the edge of the screen because it is so long. I like long text. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog“ 10 100 100 PDF_RGB(0 0 0));
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pdf_set_font(pdf “ZapfDingbats“);
pdf_add_text(pdf NULL “This is a really long line that will go off the edge of the screen because it is so long. I like long text. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick b
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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