% Create the face detector object.
faceDetector = vision.CascadeobjectDetector(‘FrontalFaceCART‘‘MinSize‘[150150]);
% Here the loop runs for 300 times you can change the threshold (n) based on the number of training data you need
n = 300;
% change str to s01s02s03.... for saving upto how many subjects you want to save for saving in respective folders for
% imwrite in line 88
str = ‘s01‘;
% Create the point tracker object.
pointTracker = vision.PointTracker(‘MaxBidirectionalError‘ 2);
% Create the webcam object.
cam = webcam();
% Capture one frame to get its size.
videoframe = snapshot(cam);
frameSize = size(videoframe);
% Create the video player object.
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer(‘Position‘ [100 100 [frameSize(2) frameSize(1)]+30]);
runLoop = true;
numPts = 0;
frameCount = 0;
while runLoop && frameCount < n
% Get the next frame.
videoframe = snapshot(cam);
videoframeGray = rgb2gray(videoframe);
frameCount = frameCount + 1;
if numPts < 10
% Detection mode.
bbox = faceDetector.step(videoframeGray);
if ~isempty(bbox)
% Find corner points inside the detected region.
points = detectMinEigenFeatures(videoframeGray ‘ROI‘ bbox(1 :));
% Re-initialize the point tracker.
xyPoints = points.Location;
numPts = size(xyPoints1);
initialize(pointTracker xyPoints videoframeGray);
% Save a copy of the points.
oldPoints = xyPoints;
% Convert the rectangle represented as [x y w h] into an
% M-by-2 matrix of [xy] coordinates of the four corners. This
% is needed to be able to transform the bounding box to display
% the orientation of the face.
bboxPoints = bbox2points(bbox(1 :));
% Convert the box corners into the [x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4]
% format required by insertShape.
bboxPolygon = reshape(bboxPoints‘ 1 []);
% Display a bounding box around the detected face.
videoframe = insertShape(videoframe ‘Polygon‘ bboxPolygon ‘LineWidth‘ 3);
% Display detected corners.
videoframe = insertMarker(videoframe xyPoints ‘+‘ ‘Color‘ ‘white‘);
% Tracking mode.
[xyPoints isFound] = step(pointTracker videoframeGray);
visiblePoints = xyPoints(isFound :);
oldInliers = oldPoints(isFound :);
numPts = size(visiblePoints 1);
if numPts >= 10
% Estimate the geometric transformation between the old points
% and the new points.
[xform oldInliers visiblePoints] = estimateGeometricTransform(...
oldInliers visiblePoints ‘similarity‘ ‘MaxDistance‘ 4);
% Apply the transformation to the bounding box.
bboxPoints = transformPointsForward(xform bboxPoints);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\
文件 538 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\README.md
文件 1696 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\SimpleFaceRecognition.m
目录 0 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\Training Progress Report\
文件 136452 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\Training Progress Report\Training Progress Plot.JPG
文件 212 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\Training Progress Report\Training Progress Report.txt
文件 3993 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\capturefacesfromvideo.m
文件 276 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\cropandsave.m
文件 276 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\cropface.m
目录 0 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\croppedfaces\
文件 181 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\croppedfaces\readme.txt
目录 0 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\croppedfaces\s01\
文件 181 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\croppedfaces\s01\readme.txt
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文件 181 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\croppedfaces\s02\readme.txt
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文件 181 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\croppedfaces\s03\readme.txt
目录 0 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\photos\
文件 165 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\photos\readme.txt
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文件 165 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\photos\s01\readme.txt
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文件 165 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\photos\s02\readme.txt
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文件 165 2019-07-09 08:20 Yash0330-Face-Recognition-by-CNN-464efe8\photos\s03\readme.txt
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