% Least Median of Squares Toolbox.
% Version 1.0 03-Sep-2001
% (Requires the Statistics toolbox.)
% Tested under Matlab (R11.1)
% This toolbox contains a set of functions which can be used to
% compute the Least Median of Squares regression the Reweighted
% Least Squares regression the associated location and scale
% estimators and the Minimum Volume Ellipsoid. The concept is the
% minimization of the median of the squared errors (residuals) in
% order to achieve robustness against the outliers.
% Least Median of Squares (LMS).
% LMSloc - LMS location parameter.
% LMSsca - LMS scale parameter.
% LMSreg - LMS linear regression.
% LMSregor - LMS linear regression through the origin.
% LMSpol - LMS polynomial regression.
% LMSpolor - LMS polynomial regression through the origin.
% LMSar - LMS autoregressive.
% Reweighted Least Squares (RLS).
% RLSloc - RLS location parameter.
% RLSsca - RLS scale parameter.
% RLSreg - RLS linear regression.
% RLSregor - RLS linear regression through the origin.
% Minimum Volume Elipsoid (MVE).
% MVE - MVE of a data set.
% RMVE - Reweighted MVE of a data set.
% Notes:
% It is strongly advisable not to use large data sets.
% The data sets must not contain any “NaNs“.
% Alexandros Leontitsis
% Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
% University of Kent at Canterbury
% Canterbury
% Kent CT2 7NF
% U.K.
% University e-mail: al10@ukc.ac.uk (until December 2002)
% Lifetime e-mail: leoaleq@yahoo.com
% Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1421
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1700 2002-07-23 18:51 Contents.m
文件 1573 2002-07-23 18:51 LMSar.m
文件 1671 2002-07-23 18:51 LMSloc.m
文件 2005 2002-07-23 18:51 LMSpol.m
文件 1966 2002-07-23 18:51 LMSpolor.m
文件 2317 2002-07-23 18:51 LMSreg.m
文件 2150 2002-07-23 18:51 LMSregor.m
文件 2584 2002-07-23 18:51 LMSregsa.m
文件 2363 2003-12-28 09:27 LMSsca.m
文件 2113 2002-07-23 18:51 MVE.m
文件 1477 2002-07-23 18:51 RLSloc.m
文件 1433 2002-07-23 18:51 RLSreg.m
文件 1405 2002-10-11 19:10 RLSregor.m
文件 2465 2002-07-23 18:51 RLSsca.m
文件 1093 2002-07-23 18:51 RMVE.m
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