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void writeShader(osg::Shader* shader const std::string& cppFileName const std::string& variableName)
osgDB::ofstream fout(cppFileName.c_str());
if (!fout)
std::cout<<“Error: could not open file ‘“< }
std::string shaderSource = shader->getShaderSource();
std::string variableString = std::string(“char “)+variableName+std::string(“[] = “);
std::string::size_type startOfLine = 0;
std::string::size_type endOfLine = shaderSource.find_first_of(‘\n‘ startOfLine);
if (endOfLine==std::string::npos)
fout< }
std::string padding(variableString.size()‘ ‘);
fout< startOfLine = endOfLine+1;
endOfLine = shaderSource.find_first_of(‘\n‘ startOfLine);
while (endOfLine != std::string::npos)
fout< startOfLine = endOfLine + 1;
endOfLine = shaderSource.find_first_of(‘\n‘ startOfLine);
fout< }
std::cout<<“Written shader to ‘“< }
int main( int argc char **argv )
// use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments.
osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argcargv);
// set up the usage document in case we need to print out how to use this program.
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName()+“ is a utility for converting between various input and output databases formats.“);
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+“ [options] filename ...“);
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption(“--shader ““Shader file to create a .cpp file for.“);
arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption(“-h or --help““Display command line parameters“);
// if user request help write it out to cout.
if (arguments.read(“-h“) || arguments.read(“--help“))
return 1;
std::string filename;
if (arguments.read(“--shader“filename))
osg::ref_ptr shader = osgDB::readShaderFile(filename);
if (shader.valid())
std::string name = osgDB::getStrippedName(filename);
std::string invalidCharacters = “-+/\\*=(){}[]:;<>.?@‘~#‘!\““;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6136 2009-01-29 14:17 examples\CMakeLists.txt
文件 85 2008-09-25 16:39 examples\osg2cpp\CMakeLists.txt
文件 3887 2009-02-06 16:27 examples\osg2cpp\osg2cpp.cpp
文件 159 2007-06-25 10:35 examples\osganimate\CMakeLists.txt
文件 9383 2007-06-12 16:20 examples\osganimate\osganimate.cpp
文件 120 2008-11-05 16:45 examples\osganimationmakepath\CMakeLists.txt
文件 12164 2009-01-07 12:24 examples\osganimationmakepath\osganimationmakepath.cpp
文件 112 2008-11-28 15:37 examples\osganimationnode\CMakeLists.txt
文件 11049 2009-01-07 12:24 examples\osganimationnode\osganimationnode.cpp
文件 120 2008-11-05 01:01 examples\osganimationskinning\CMakeLists.txt
文件 10137 2009-02-09 23:59 examples\osganimationskinning\osganimationskinning.cpp
文件 114 2008-11-05 01:01 examples\osganimationsolid\CMakeLists.txt
文件 5045 2009-01-07 12:24 examples\osganimationsolid\osganimationsolid.cpp
文件 120 2008-11-11 20:47 examples\osganimationtimeline\CMakeLists.txt
文件 7982 2009-07-16 13:52 examples\osganimationtimeline\osganimationtimeline.cpp
文件 3480 2008-12-16 21:29 examples\osganimationviewer\AnimtkViewer
文件 6262 2009-01-21 20:02 examples\osganimationviewer\AnimtkViewer.cpp
文件 1438 2008-12-16 21:29 examples\osganimationviewer\AnimtkViewerGUI
文件 11166 2009-01-07 12:24 examples\osganimationviewer\AnimtkViewerGUI.cpp
文件 1410 2008-12-18 14:56 examples\osganimationviewer\AnimtkViewerKeyHandler
文件 2331 2009-02-06 16:27 examples\osganimationviewer\AnimtkViewerKeyHandler.cpp
文件 175 2008-11-05 14:35 examples\osganimationviewer\CMakeLists.txt
文件 91 2008-11-26 12:23 examples\osgautocapture\CMakeLists.txt
文件 11603 2008-11-27 10:45 examples\osgautocapture\osgautocapture.cpp
文件 135 2007-06-25 10:35 examples\osgautotransform\CMakeLists.txt
文件 6840 2008-03-18 16:37 examples\osgautotransform\osgautotransform.cpp
文件 127 2007-06-25 10:35 examples\osgbillboard\CMakeLists.txt
文件 6438 2007-06-12 16:20 examples\osgbillboard\osgbillboard.cpp
文件 170 2007-06-25 10:35 examples\osgblendequation\CMakeLists.txt
文件 5909 2007-06-12 16:20 examples\osgblendequation\osgblendequation.cpp
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