很不错的AR模型参数估计和阶数估计,是基于Burg法的,阶数的准则可以自己选择,有'FPE', 'AIC', 'MDL', 'CAT',还有功率谱估计

function varargout = arburgwithcriterion( xcriterion )
%ARBURGWITHCRITERION AR parameter estimation via Burg method.
% A = ARBURGWITHCRITERION(X) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR
% parametric signal model estimate of vector X using Burg‘s method.
% 模型阶次选择默认为最小预测定误差阶准则(Final Prediction Error CriterionFPE)
% 可选用的模型定阶准则有FPE AIC MDL CAT定阶准则
% [AE] = ARBURGWITHCRITERION(...) returns the final prediction error E (the variance
% estimate of the white noise input to the AR model).
% [AEK] = ARBURGWITHCRITERION(...) returns the vector K of reflection
% coefficients (parcor coefficients).
% [AEKP] = ARBURGWITHCRITERION(...)returns the order P of the AR
% model.
% Ref: 祈才君,数字信号处理技术的算法分析与应用
% 机械工业出版社 2005 Chapter 8
% 最初版本:V1.0 时间:2009.03.31
if nargin == 1
criterion = ‘FPE‘;
[mxnx] = size(x);
if isempty(x) || min(mxnx) > 1
error(‘X must be a vector with length greater than twice the model order.‘);
elseif ~(strcmp(criterion‘FPE‘) || strcmp(criterion‘AIC‘) || strcmp(criterion‘MDL‘) || strcmp(criterion‘CAT‘))
if issparse(x)
error(‘Input signal cannot be sparse.‘)
x = x(:);
N = length(x);
% Initialization
orderpridict = 1;
ef = x;
eb = x;
a = 1;
% Initial error
E = x‘*x./N;
if strcmp(criterion‘FPE‘)
objectfun = (N+1)/(N-1)*E;
elseif strcmp(criterion‘AIC‘)
objectfun = N*log(E)+2*1;
elseif strcmp(criterion‘MDL‘)
objectfun = N*log(E)+1*log(N);
elseif strcmp(criterion‘CAT‘)
temp = (N-1)/(N*E);
objectfun = 1/N*(N-1)/(N*E)-(N-1)/(N*E);
% Preallocate ‘k‘ for speed.
% 一般AR模型阶次P k = zeros(1 N);
for m = 1:N-1
% Calculate the next order reflection (parcor) coefficient
efp = ef(2:end);
ebp = eb(1:end-1);
num = -2.*ebp‘*efp;
den = efp‘*efp+ebp‘*ebp;
k(m) = num ./ den;
% Update the forward and backward prediction errors
ef = efp + k(m)*ebp;
eb = ebp + k(m)‘*efp;
% Update the AR coeff.
a=[a;0] + k(m)*[0;conj(flipud(a))];
% Update the prediction error
E(m+1) = (1 - k(m)‘*k(m))*E(m);
% 判断是否达到所选定阶准则的要求
if strcmp(criterion‘FPE‘)
objectfun(m+1) = (N+(m+1))/(N-(m+1))*E(m+1);
elseif strcmp(criterion‘AIC‘)
objectfun(m+1) = N*log(E(m+1))+2*(m+1);
elseif strcmp(criterion‘MDL‘)
objectfun(m+1) = N*log(E(m+1))+(m+1)*log(N);
elseif strcmp(criterion‘CAT‘)
for index = 1:m+1
temp = temp+(N-index)/(N*E(index));
objectfun(m+1) = 1/N*temp-(N-(m+1))/(N*E(m+1));
if objectfun(m+1) >= objectfun(m) % 该阶预测误差大于上一阶预测误差,则阶次定为上一阶
orderpredict = m;
% 实际k矩阵
k = k(1:orderpredict);
a = a(:).‘; % By convention all polynomials are row vectors
varargout{1} = a(1:orderpredict);
if nargout >= 2
varargout{2} = E(ord
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3290 2009-08-28 21:23 arburgwithcriterion.m
文件 5152 2009-08-28 21:23 arspectrawithcriterion.m
文件 1652 2009-08-28 21:23 criterion.m
文件 3243 2009-08-28 21:23 pburgwithcriterion.m
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