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- 标签: feature sele Hyperspectra

% Bonferroni-Holm (1979) correction for multiple comparisons. This is a
% sequentially rejective version of the simple Bonferroni correction for multiple
% comparisons and strongly controls the family-wise error rate at level alpha.
% It works as follows:
% 1) All p-values are sorted in order of smallest to largest. m is the
% number p-values.
% 2) If the 1st p-value is greater than or equal to alpha/m the procedure
% is stopped and no p-values are significant. Otherwise go on.
% 3) The 1st p-value is declared significant and now the second p-value is
% compared to alpha/(m-1). If the 2nd p-value is greater than or equal
% to alpha/(m-1) the procedure is stopped and no further p-values are
% significant. Otherwise go on.
% 4) Et cetera.
% As stated by Holm (1979) “Except in trivial non-interesting cases the
% sequentially rejective Bonferroni test has strictly larger probability of
% rejecting false hypotheses and thus it ought to replace the classical
% Bonferroni test at all instants where the latter usually is applied.“
% function [corrected_p h]=bonf_holm(pvaluesalpha)
% Required Inputs:
% pvalues - A vector or matrix of p-values. If pvalues is a matrix it can
% be of any dimensionality (e.g. 2D 3D etc...).
% Optional Input:
% alpha - The desired family-wise alpha level (i.e. the probability of
% rejecting one of more null hypotheses when all null hypotheses are
% really true). {default: 0.05}
% Output:
% corrected_p - Bonferroni-Holm adjusted p-values. Any adjusted p-values
% less than alpha are significant (i.e. that null hypothesis
% is rejected). The adjusted value of the smallest p-value
% is p*m. The ith smallest adjusted p-value is the max of
% p(i)*(m-i+1) or adj_p(i-1). Note corrected p-values can
% be greater than 1.
% h - A binary vector or matrix of the same dimensionality as
% pvalues. If the ith element of h is 1 then the ith p-value
% of pvalues is significant. If the ith element of h is 0 then
% the ith p-value of pvalues is NOT significant.
% Example:
% >>p=[.56 .22 .001 .04 .01]; %five hypothetical p-values
% >>[cor_p h]=bonf_holm(p.05)
% cor_p =
% 0.5600 0.4400 0.0050 0.1200 0.0400
% h =
% 0 0 1 0 1
% Conclusion: the third and fifth p-values are significant but not the
% remaining three.
% Reference:
% Holm S. (1979) A simple sequentially rejective multiple test procedure.
% Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 6 65-70.
% For a review on contemporary techniques for correcting for multiple
% comparisons that are often more powerful than Bonferroni-Holm see:
% Groppe D.M. Urbach T.P. & Kutas M. (2011) Mass univariate analysis
% of event-related brain potentials/fields I:
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2015-04-11 10:51 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\
目录 0 2015-04-14 16:05 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\
文件 1691 2015-04-13 16:43 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\Example of using VIAVC RC VIP and SPA.m
文件 3491 2015-04-12 22:50 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\VIAVC.m
文件 4441 2014-12-23 09:45 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\bonf_holm.m
文件 0 2015-04-11 14:38 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\error_SPA
文件 481 2014-12-19 20:05 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\generate_binary_matrix.m
文件 403 2014-09-13 09:39 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\get_matrix_result.m
文件 859 2015-04-12 22:49 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\get_replace_result.m
文件 436 2011-04-27 10:23 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\ldapinv.m
文件 6856 2014-09-11 09:14 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\obesity.mat
文件 1802 2010-05-18 22:59 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\pls_nipals.m
文件 2072 2014-12-16 17:38 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\plslda.m
文件 2841 2013-03-18 21:00 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\plsldacv.m
文件 2144 2014-11-07 19:45 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\plsldadcv.m
文件 575 2014-11-07 19:52 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\plsldaval.m
文件 1066 2014-04-08 20:26 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\pretreat.m
文件 736 2014-11-07 19:40 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\roccurve.m
文件 555 2010-02-08 10:49 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\sesp.m
文件 4638 2014-05-27 18:33 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\spa.m
文件 1063 2015-03-30 11:24 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\sumsqr.m
文件 340 2010-09-27 22:11 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\tp.m
文件 554 2009-11-05 11:05 Supplementary Material 2 - The MATLAB code of VIAVC\VIAVC\vipp.m
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