/* */
/* display_ctrl.c -- Digilent Display Controller Driver */
/* */
/* Author: Sam Bobrowicz */
/* Copyright 2014 Digilent Inc. */
/* Module Description: */
/* */
/* This module provides an easy to use API for controlling a */
/* Display attached to a Digilent system board via VGA or HDMI. */
/* run-time resolution setting and seamless framebuffer-swapping */
/* for tear-free animation. */
/* */
/* To use this driver you must have a Xilinx Video Timing */
/* Controller core (vtc) Xilinx axi_vdma core a Digilent */
/* axi_dynclk core a Xilinx AXI Stream to Video core and either */
/* a Digilent RGB2VGA or RGB2DVI core all present in your design. */
/* See the Video in or Display out reference projects for your */
/* system board to see how they need to be connected. Digilent */
/* reference projects and IP cores can be found at */
/* www.github.com/Digilent. */
/* */
/* The following steps should be followed to use this driver: */
/* 1) Create a DisplayCtrl object and pass a pointer to it to */
/* DisplayInitialize. */
/* 2) Call DisplaySetMode to set the desired mode */
/* 3) Call DisplayStart to begin outputting data to the display */
/* 4) To create a seamless animation draw the next image to a */
/* framebuffer currently not being displayed. Then call */
/* DisplayChangeframe to begin displaying that frame. */
/* Repeat as needed only ever modifying inactive frames. */
/* 5) To change the resolution call DisplaySetMode followed by */
/* DisplayStart again. */
/* */
/* */
/* Revision History: */
/* */
/* 2/20/2014(SamB): Created */
/* 11/25/2015(SamB): Changed from axi_dispctrl to Xilinx cores */
/* Separated Clock functions into dynclk library */
/* */
* TODO: It would be nice to remove the need for users above this to access
* members of the DisplayCtrl struct manually. This can be done by
* implementing get/set functions for things like video mode state
* etc.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Include File Definitions */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Uncomment for Debugging messages over UART
//#define DEBUG
#include “display_ctrl.h“
#include “xdebug.h“
#include “xil_io.h“
/* -----------------------------
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 1181715 2020-06-16 20:55 OV5640_HDMI.docx
文件 9508 2020-06-16 15:08 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\ov5640_hdmi_wrapper_propImpl.xdc
文件 348637 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\elab.rtd
文件 93 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\dupFiles.rpt
文件 2689 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_auto_pc_0_stub.v
文件 1383 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_axi_dynclk_0_0_stub.v
文件 3306 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_axi_smc_0_stub.v
文件 3637 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_axi_vdma_0_0_stub.v
文件 403 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_divider2_0_0_stub.v
文件 403 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_divider2_1_0_stub.v
文件 746 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_DVI_Transmitter_0_0_stub.v
文件 831 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_ov5640_capture_data_0_0_stub.v
文件 5210 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_processing_system7_0_0_stub.v
文件 795 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_rst_ps7_0_100M_0_stub.v
文件 1480 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_v_axi4s_vid_out_0_0_stub.v
文件 1461 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_v_tc_0_0_stub.v
文件 1378 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_v_vid_in_axi4s_0_0_stub.v
文件 6299 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_wrapper.tcl
文件 2011 2020-06-16 12:48 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\.Xil\Vivado-15460-DESKTOP-3CJBT8S\realtime\ov5640_hdmi_xbar_0_stub.v
文件 195 2019-06-03 11:56 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\data\axi_dynclk.mdd
文件 166 2019-06-03 12:38 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\data\axi_dynclk.tcl
文件 14932 2019-05-31 15:45 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\src\display_ctrl.c
文件 4647 2019-05-31 15:37 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\src\display_ctrl.h
文件 7801 2019-05-31 15:38 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\src\dynclk.c
文件 9223 2019-05-31 15:38 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\src\dynclk.h
文件 3300 2019-05-31 15:22 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\src\lcd_modes.h
文件 535 2019-06-03 11:52 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\axi_dynclk\src\Makefile
文件 41440 2019-06-03 15:05 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\component.xm
文件 14932 2019-05-31 15:45 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\drivers\display_ctrl\display_ctrl.c
文件 4661 2019-06-03 16:11 ov5640_hdmi_1_3\ip_repo\axi_dynclk_v1_0\drivers\display_ctrl\display_ctrl.h
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