A set of open source tools for management for computer that support Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT) . This package includes many tools and source code for developers interested in building their own application or users who want to learn about Intel AMT. It's internationalized into English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and French thanks to community support. The source is compiled using Visual Studio 2010 and all of the tools will run in true 64bit on platforms that support it. When possible, these tools have also been enhanced to make use of the peer-to-peer networking system also available on this site.
Note that the MDTK is being replaced with MeshCommander as part of work to make Intel® AMT more web friendly.
- Learning-OpenCV-3_examples.zip
- Learning OpenCV Computer Vision with the OpenC
- Opengl实现旗帜飘扬效果
- OpenGL星星公转自转
- 官方版opencv1.0 windows系统
- 上海贝尔MSA2K-3513NA Openwrt固件,带br
- 二维码定位符识别带
- OpenCV3.2.0稳定版调用包
- OpenCV v320 X86开发包
- opencv3原书源码.7z
- zw_OpenCV-2.3.1-win-superpack.part3.zip
- x86OpenCV3.2.0
- 傲天动联AQ2000-E2AN2固件 不死BREED+O
- 贝尔MSA1K-3113NA固件 AR9344固件 OPENWRT+不
- 安氏领信LTAP3000无线AP固件 OPENWRT固件
- openCV1.0.rar
- opencv水果识别样本(苹果、香蕉、梨
- OpenGL显示三维点云图像
- openCV_1.0及2.0版本使用的Lib和Dll文件
- Windows下用SSL实现加密通讯Demo
- OSG虚拟驾驶仿真
- OpenCV人脸识别-3.0
- Qt+OpenCV人脸识别
- opencv 360度n张图像拼接,任意角度两
- opengl绘制太阳、地球、月球
- zw_摄像头实时监控与报警系统Opencv.
- 基于OpenCV的计算机视觉技术实现
- OpenStack实战 V. K. Cody Bumgardner P328 201
- LearningOpenCV.7z
- kvaser驱动
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