% Constructs a 2-dimensional dataset classifiable by boosting but not any
% simple linear classifier because of the thresholding nature of the data.
rand(‘seed‘ 0);
% m datapoints in 2-dimensions
mm = 150;
X = rand(mm 2);
thresh_pos = .6;
y = [X(: 1) < thresh_pos & X(: 2) < thresh_pos];
y = 2 * y - 1;
for T = [2 4 5 10]
hpos = plot(X(y == 1 1) X(y == 1 2) ‘o‘);
hold on;
hneg = plot(X(y == -1 1) X(y == -1 2) ‘x‘);
set(hpos ‘linewidth‘ 2);
set(hneg ‘linewidth‘ 2);
[theta feature_inds thresholds] = stump_booster(X y T);
x1_coords = linspace(0 1 100);
x2_coords = linspace(0 1 100);
Z = zeros(100);
for ii = 1:100
for jj = 1:100
pred = (sign(x1_coords(ii) - thresholds(feature_inds == 1))‘ * ...
theta(feature_inds == 1)) + ...
(sign(x2_coords(jj) - thresholds(feature_inds == 2))‘ * ...
theta(feature_inds == 2));
Z(jj ii) = sign(pred);
C = contourc(x1_coords x2_coords Z [0 0]);
h = plot(C(1 2:end) C(2 2:end) ‘k-‘);
set(h ‘linewidth‘ 2);
title(sprintf(‘Iterations = %d‘ T));
set(gca ‘fontsize‘ 18);
print(‘-depsc2‘ sprintf(‘boost_plot_%d.eps‘ T));
%% Now solve the logistic regression problem directly
mm = 200;
X = rand(mm 2);
y = [X(: 1) < thresh_pos & X(: 2) < thresh_pos];
y = 2 * y - 1;
theta_log = zeros(3 1);
X_logit = [ones(mm 1) X];
for iter = 1:1000
risk = (1/mm) * sum(log(1 + exp(-y .* (X_logit * theta_log))));
if (mod(iter 50) == 0)
fprintf(1 ‘Iter %d loss %1.4f\n‘ iter risk);
p = 1 ./ (1 + exp(y .* (X_logit * theta_log)));
g = -(1/mm) * X_logit‘ * (p .* y);
theta_log = theta_log - 2 * g;
x1_coord = linspace(0 1 100);
x2_coord = -(theta_log(1) + theta_log(2) * x1_coord) / theta_log(3);
hpos = plot(X(y == 1 1) X(y == 1 2) ‘o‘);
hold on;
hneg = plot(X(y == -1 1) X(y == -1 2) ‘x‘);
set(hpos ‘linewidth‘ 2);
set(hneg ‘linewidth‘ 2);
h = plot(x1_coord x2_coord ‘k-‘ ‘linewidth‘ 2);
axis([0 1 0 1]);
set(gca ‘fontsize‘ 18);
print -depsc2 ‘logistic_plot.eps‘;
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文件 1036360 2018-08-03 15:18 吴恩达机器学习公开课资料\1412.6572.pdf
文件 128864 2018-08-03 15:19 吴恩达机器学习公开课资料\boosting.pdf
文件 2136 2018-08-03 15:20 吴恩达机器学习公开课资料\boosting_example.m
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