% Copyright 2005-2007 The MathWorks Inc.
% TODO - Add size checking for X and Y
if (nargin < 1) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Not enough arguments.‘); end
if isstr(in1)
switch lower(in1)
case ‘name‘
if nargin > 1 error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many input arguments for ‘‘name‘‘ action‘) end
if (nargout > 1) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many output arguments for ‘‘name‘‘ action‘) end
out1 = name;
case ‘pdefaults‘
if nargin > 2 error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many input arguments for ‘‘pdefaults‘‘ action‘) end
if nargin < 2 in2 = {}; end
if (nargout > 1) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many output arguments for ‘‘pdefaults‘‘ action‘) end
out1 = param_defaults(in2);
case ‘pnames‘
if nargin > 1 error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many input arguments for ‘‘pnames‘‘ action‘) end
if (nargout > 1) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many output arguments for ‘‘pnames‘‘ action‘) end
out1 = param_names;
case ‘pcheck‘
if (nargin < 2) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Not enough input arguments for ‘‘pcheck‘‘ action‘) end
if nargin > 2 error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many input arguments for ‘‘pcheck‘‘ action‘) end
if (nargout > 1) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many output arguments for ‘‘pcheck‘‘ action‘) end
if ~isa(in2‘struct‘) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Parameters are not a struct.‘); end
names1 = fieldnames(param_defaults({}));
names2 = fieldnames(in2);
if length(names1) ~= length(names2) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Incorrect number of parameters.‘); end
names1 = sort(names1);
names2 = sort(names2);
for i=1:length(names1)
if ~strcmp(names1{i}names2{i}) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘[‘Parameter field name is not correct:‘ names2{i}]); end
out1 = param_check(in2);
if (nargout == 0) && ~isempty(out1)
case ‘apply‘
if (nargin < 3) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Not enough input arguments for ‘‘apply‘‘ action.‘); end
if (nargin > 3) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many input arguments for ‘‘apply‘‘ action‘) end
if (nargout > 1) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many output arguments for ‘‘apply‘‘ action‘) end
c = iscell(in2);
if c
if (size(in21) ~= 1)
error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Cell array X must have only one row‘)
cols = size(in22);
colSizes = zeros(1cols);
for i=1:cols
colSizes(i) = size(in2{1i}2);
in2 = cell2mat(in2);
elseif ~isa(in2‘double‘)
error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘X must be a matrix or a row cell array‘)
out1 = apply_process(in2in3);
if c
out1 = mat2cell(out1size(out11)colSizes);
case ‘reverse‘
if (nargin < 3) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Not enough input arguments for ‘‘reverse‘‘ action.‘); end
if (nargin > 3) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many input arguments for ‘‘reverse‘‘ action‘) end
if (nargout > 1) error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Too many output arguments for ‘‘reverse‘‘ action‘) end
c = iscell(in2);
if c
if (size(in21) ~= 1)
error(‘NNET:Arguments‘‘Cell array X must have only one row‘)
cols = size(in22);
colSizes = zeros(1cols
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2016-08-20 08:10 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\
目录 0 2016-08-19 22:53 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\15topic\
文件 212702 2016-08-08 20:02 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\15topic\test.xlsx
文件 20382 2016-08-19 23:35 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\15topic\test_labels.xlsx
文件 835700 2016-08-08 20:08 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\15topic\train.xlsx
文件 56236 2016-08-19 23:34 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\15topic\train_labels.xlsx
文件 5131 2013-08-19 09:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\boiler_process.m
文件 1497 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\COPYRIGHT
文件 28904 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\heart_scale.mat
目录 0 2016-08-19 21:52 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\
文件 2835 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\a_template_flow_usingSVM_class.m
文件 2159 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\a_template_flow_usingSVM_regress.m
文件 871 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\fasticaForSVM.m
文件 3778 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\gaSVMcgForClass.m
文件 3510 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\gaSVMcgForRegress.m
文件 3788 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\gaSVMcgpForRegress.m
目录 0 2016-08-19 21:52 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\
目录 0 2016-08-19 21:52 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\
文件 3217 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\bs2rv.m
文件 1835 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\contents.m
文件 1168 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\crtba
文件 2187 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\crtbp.m
文件 2091 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\crtrp.m
文件 7205 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\migrate.m
文件 4019 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\mpga.m
文件 1609 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\mut.m
文件 3437 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\mutate.m
文件 4943 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\mutbga.m
文件 4709 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\ranking.m
文件 1825 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\recdis.m
文件 1895 2016-08-19 21:47 libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]\implement[by faruto]\myprivate\gatbx[Sheffield]\recint.m
- libsvm下载50395
- Libsvm参数详解(含具体程序代码,可
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- FormatDatalLibsvm.xls.xls->svm格式转换
- FormatDatalibsvm.xlslibSVM的数据格式转换工
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- libsvm算法说明.pdf
- libsvm安装包
- libsvm数据格式转换
- LibSVM学习笔记整理
- FormatDatalibsvm.xls86855
- libsvm-3.20.zip
- libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0].rar
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- FormatDataLibsvm.xls
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