
function doFFTplot(fssignalssignalLabelsdecFactorfigNumw_type)
% Plot a scaled fft
% ‘fs‘ is the sampling frequency in Hertz
% ‘signals‘ is a matrix comprising all the signal vectors whose FFTs are to be
% calculated and plotted.
% ‘signalLabels‘ contains strings that correspond to each signal vector in the
% ‘signals‘ matrix. Each string must be the same length so padding with
% spaces may be necessary before calling the function.
% ‘decFactor‘ is the decimation factor and is an OPTIONAL ARGUMENT
% ‘figNum‘ is the number you want to attach to the figure and is an OPTIONAL ARGUMENT
% Do not pass in a value for figNum if you want to overlay plots
% Example: If 3 signals x; y and z are to be
% plotted and the sampling frequency is 100MHz then this function will be
% called as follows:
% doFFTplot(100e6[xyz][‘labelX‘;‘labelY‘;labelZ‘])
% The components that make up ‘signals‘ must be vectors
% Author: G.Stephen
% Date:30/03/2006
% FFT plotting code adapted from:
% http://www.mathworks.com/support/tech-notes/1700/1702.html
% Modification to incorporate window selection.
% Author: L. Crockett
% Date: 20/07/2007
% A further parameter is added to the function to allow the user
% to specify a windowing function for FFT plotting. Choices are:
% and the default is RECTANGULAR (i.e. no explicit window).
% ‘w_type‘ is the window type and is an OPTIONAL ARGUMENT.
% Modification to 20*log10(abs(fft(x)))
% Author: L. Crockett
% Date: 7/7/08
% check if a decimation factor has been supplied
if nargin < 4
decFactor = 1;
% check if a figure number has been supplied
if nargin > 4
% assign default window if none supplied
if nargin < 6
w_type = ‘rect‘;
numSamples = length(signals(:1));
%the number of FFTs to be plotted
numVectors = length(signals(1:));
% Use next highest power of 2 greater than or equal to
% length of signal to calculate FFT.
N = 2^(nextpow2(length(signals(:1))));
if strncmpi(w_type‘hann‘4)
w = hann(N)‘;
elseif strncmpi(w_type‘hamming‘4)
w = hamming(N)‘;
elseif strncmpi(w_type‘blackman‘4)
w = blackman(N)‘;
elseif strncmpi(w_type‘rect‘4)
w = ones(1N);
w = ones(1N);
% Calculate the number of unique points
numUniquePts = ceil((N+1)/2);
% This is an evenly spaced frequency vector with
% NumUniquePts points.
f = (0:numUniquePts-1)*fs/N;
mag = zeros(numUniquePtsnumVectors);
for i=1:numVectors
% create zero padded array for this signal
sig_vec(i1:N) = zeros;
sig_vec(i1:length(signals(:i))) = signals(:i);
% perform windowing on the zero padded signal
sig_window = sig_vec(i1:N) .* w;
% Take fft padding with zeros so that length
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