Let’s start with the basics. SSH, the Secure Shell, is a reliable, reasonably easy to use,
inexpensive security product for computer networks and the people who use them.
It’s available for most of today’s operating systems.
Privacy is a basic human right, but on today’s computer networks, privacy isn’t
guaranteed. Much of the data that travels on the Internet or local networks is
transmitted as plain text, and may be captured and viewed by anybody with a lit-
tle technical know-how. The email you send, the files you transmit between com-
puters, even the passwords you type may be readable by others. Imagine the
damage that can be done if an untrusted third party—a competitor, the CIA, your
in-laws— intercepted your most sensitive communications in transit.
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- 下一篇:联通ICT业务培训材料.pdf
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