for .net 的google API simples

/* Copyright (c) 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the “License“);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS“ BASIS
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#region Using directives
using System;
using System.xml;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections;
// Contains AtomEntry an object to represent the atom:entry
// element.
namespace Google.GData.Client
/// Entry API customization class for defining entries in a custom feed
public abstract class AbstractEntry : AtomEntry
/// base implementation as with the abstract feed we are adding
/// the gnamespace
/// The xmlWrite where we want to add default namespaces to
protected override void AddOtherNamespaces(xmlWriter writer)
/// Checks if this is a namespace declaration that we already added
/// xmlNode to check
/// True if this node should be skipped
protected override bool SkipNode(xmlNode node)
if (base.SkipNode(node))
return true;
if (node.NodeType == xmlNodeType.Attribute &&
(node.Name.StartsWith(“xmlns“) == true) &&
return true;
return false;
/// Parses the inner state of the element
/// The extension element that should be added to this entry
/// The AtomFeedParser that called this
public virtual void Parse(ExtensionElementEventArgs e AtomFeedParser parser)
if (e == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(“e“);
Tracing.TraceMsg(“Entering Parse on AbstractEntry“);
xmlNode node = e.ExtensionElement;
if (this.ExtensionFactories != null && this.Exten
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 112 2007-06-28 14:44 Google Data APIs Homepage.url
文件 4516910 2008-04-23 20:49 Documentation\Google.GData.Documentation.chm
文件 1613 2007-08-09 01:48 Documentation\gzip-mono-howto.txt
文件 32402 2008-04-23 20:49 Documentation\RELEASE_NOTES.HTML
文件 23558 2008-02-28 19:50 Icons\app.ico
文件 29926 2008-02-28 19:50 Icons\help.ico
文件 25214 2008-02-28 19:50 Icons\rc_html.ico
目录 0 2008-04-23 20:58 Redist\ASP.NET\
文件 24576 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.AccessControl.dll
文件 36864 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Apps.dll
文件 36864 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Calendar.dll
文件 122880 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Client.dll
文件 24576 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.CodeSearch.dll
文件 20480 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Contacts.dll
文件 24576 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Documents.dll
文件 65536 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Extensions.dll
文件 57344 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Googleba
文件 36864 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Photos.dll
文件 36864 2008-04-03 18:05 Redist\ASP.NET\Google.GData.Spreadsheets.dll
文件 736 2007-05-23 15:36 Redist\ASP.NET\README.TXT
文件 20480 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.AccessControl.dll
文件 36864 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Apps.dll
文件 36864 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Calendar.dll
文件 126976 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Client.dll
文件 24576 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.CodeSearch.dll
文件 24576 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Contacts.dll
文件 24576 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Documents.dll
文件 69632 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Extensions.dll
文件 57344 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Googleba
文件 36864 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Photos.dll
文件 36864 2008-04-23 20:49 Redist\Google.GData.Spreadsheets.dll
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