function mpc = add_userfcn(mpc stage fcn args allow_multiple)
%ADD_USERFCN Appends a userfcn to the list to be called for a case.
% A userfcn is a callback function that can be called automatically by
% MATPOWER at one of various stages in a simulation.
% MPC : the case struct
% STAGE : the name of the stage at which this function should be
% called: ext2int formulation int2ext printpf
% FCN : the name of the userfcn
% ARGS : (optional) the value to be passed as an argument to the
% userfcn (typically a struct)
% ALLOW_MULTIPLE : (optional) if TRUE allows the same function to
% be added more than once.
% Currently there are 5 different callback stages defined. Each stage has
% a name and by convention the name of a user-defined callback function
% ends with the name of the stage. The following is a description of each
% stage when it is called and the input and output arguments which vary
% depending on the stage. The reserves example (see RUNOPF_W_RES) is used
% to illustrate how these callback userfcns might be used.
% 1. ext2int
% Called from EXT2INT immediately after the case is converted from
% external to internal indexing. Inputs are a MATPOWER case struct (MPC)
% freshly converted to internal indexing and any (optional) ARGS value
% supplied via ADD_USERFCN. Output is the (presumably updated) MPC. This is
% typically used to reorder any input arguments that may be needed in
% internal ordering by the formulation stage.
% E.g. mpc = userfcn_reserves_ext2int(mpc args)
% 2. formulation
% Called from OPF after the OPF Model (OM) object has been initialized
% with the standard OPF formulation but before calling the solver. Inputs
% are the OM object and any (optional) ARGS supplied via ADD_USERFCN.
% Output is the OM object. This is the ideal place to add any additional
% vars constraints or costs to the OPF formulation.
% E.g. om = userfcn_reserves_formulation(om args)
% 3. int2ext
% Called from INT2EXT immediately before the resulting case is converted
% from internal back to external indexing. Inputs are the RESULTS struct
% and any (optional) ARGS supplied via ADD_USERFCN. Output is the RESULTS
% struct. This is typically used to convert any results to external
% indexing and populate any corresponding fields in the RESULTS struct.
% E.g. results = userfcn_reserves_int2ext(results args)
% 4. printpf
% Called from PRINTPF after the pretty-printing of the standard OPF
% output. Inputs are the RESULTS struct the file descriptor to write to
% a MATPOWER options struct and any (optional) ARGS supplied via
% ADD_USERFCN. Output is the RESULTS struct. This is typically used for
% any additional pretty-printing of results.
% E.g. result
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-10-12 15:51 matpower5.0b1\
目录 0 2017-10-12 15:51 matpower5.0b1\@opf_model\
文件 1723 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opf_model\display.m
文件 1446 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opf_model\get_mpc.m
文件 3223 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opf_model\opf_model.m
目录 0 2017-10-12 15:51 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\
文件 8574 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\add_constraints.m
文件 9870 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\add_costs.m
文件 6008 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\add_vars.m
文件 7229 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\build_cost_params.m
文件 4162 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\compute_cost.m
文件 3051 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\describe_idx.m
文件 6189 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\display.m
文件 1653 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\get.m
文件 2634 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\getN.m
文件 2882 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\getv.m
文件 3216 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\get_cost_params.m
文件 3180 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\get_idx.m
文件 4507 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\linear_constraints.m
文件 8712 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\opt_model.m
文件 2145 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\@opt_model\userdata.m
文件 6171 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\add_userfcn.m
文件 2403 2016-10-13 20:04 matpower5.0b1\branches.m
文件 2993 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\bustypes.m
文件 32628 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\case118.m
文件 4516 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\case14.m
文件 340790 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\case2383wp.m
文件 8704 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\case24_ieee_rts.m
文件 717632 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\case2736sp.m
文件 715216 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\case2737sop.m
文件 732894 2016-09-05 11:18 matpower5.0b1\case2746wop.m
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